Resources by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Prayers & Promises for Men

Prayers & Promises for Men

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

It is a wonderful blessing to be a son of God! You can take great joy in knowing that he made you for a purpose and he desires a close relationship with you. Spending time in his Word each day will fill you with strength, wisdom and peace.  Prayers & Promises for Men incorporates more than 70 themes to help you receive inspiration found in the promises … Read more…

Prayers & Promises for Wisdom

Prayers & Promises for Wisdom

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

When life asks unending questions and you begin to feel overwhelmed by the many decisions you have to make, bring all of your concerns to God.  You can take comfort knowing that he is the author and creator of all that exists, and he care deeply for you. He always knows what is best.  Prayers & Promises for Wisdom incorporates seventy different the… Read more…

Descansa en la presencia de Dios: 365 devocionales diarios

Descansa en la presencia de Dios: 365 devocionales diarios

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Por qué nos es tan difícil admitir que necesitamos a Dios en todo momento?   A Dios le encanta encontrarse con nosotros, estemos donde estemos, y llenarnos de todo lo que necesitamos para cada nuevo día.   Él nos anima a acercarnos a él con confianza, haciéndole saber con atrevimiento lo que queremos.  … Read more…

Mi tiempo con Dios para mujeres: 365 días devocionario

Mi tiempo con Dios para mujeres: 365 días devocionario

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Pasar unos momentos con Dios puede suponer una gran diferencia en tu día. En este devocional de un año para mujeres encontrarás sabiduría y perspectiva divinas para reforzar tu fe y darle aliento a tu corazón. Pasa unos momentos tranquilos en la presencia de Dios cada día y renuévate con la esperanza, paz, gozo y fu… Read more…

A Little God Time for Women Morning & Evening Devotional

A Little God Time for Women Morning & Evening Devotional

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

A little God time can make a big difference in your day. Imagine the strength and encouragement you will find when you spend moments with God as you wake up and right before you fall asleep. Rest in the presence of God each day, and be refreshed as you find the hope, peace, and joy that is abundant there. SPECIAL FEATURES: • Exquisite faux leather cover… Read more…

365 Days of Prayer for Mothers

365 Days of Prayer for Mothers

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Do you ever sit down to pray and struggle to find the right words? You want to spend time with God, but you don’t know where to begin?365 Days of Prayer for Mothers is a beautiful book of topically arranged, guided prayers and complementary Scriptures that will enhance your prayer life and offer you peace, joy, and strength every day. God hears your vo… Read more…

Psalms 365: Prayers, Praise & Promises

Psalms 365: Prayers, Praise & Promises

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Just as the psalmist encountered, we can be overwhelmed by the circumstances of life. We run into situations that are frustrating and discouraging. But we also experience the peace and protection of our wonderful Creator whose goodness is not dependent on our situation.   Depression and anxiety may threaten to steal our hope and joy, but the psalms are … Read more…

Amazing Grace: 365 Daily Devotions

Amazing Grace: 365 Daily Devotions

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

The circumstances of life may have you feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, discouraged, or even depressed. God’s love isn’t dependent on your situation. Because his love for you is unchanging and his promises are true, you can choose to believe in the steady outpouring of grace he has for you from the minute you wake up to the moment you lay down to… Read more…

God Is Always with Me ziparound devotional: 365 Daily Devotional

God Is Always with Me ziparound devotional: 365 Daily Devotional

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC and Belle City Gifts

This elegant daily ziparound devotional features a beautifully designed interior with inspiring devotions, encouraging Scriptures, thought-provoking questions, and space for journaling.  Stop and ponder, delight in God’s love for you, and express your praise, petitions, ideas, emotions, struggles, desires, and dreams in the space provided.  … Read more…

Be Brave: 365 Daily Devotions

Be Brave: 365 Daily Devotions

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Being brave isn’t something you can do on your own. God creates boldness as you trust in him. The more you put aside your strength and lean on his, the more he can develop courage in you. Spend time with God and let him show you how to be brave.All you who put your hope in the Lord be strong and brave. Psalms 31:24 NCV… Read more…

Promesas de la Biblia para la vida: Un manual indispensable para cada una de sus necesidades

Promesas de la Biblia para la vida: Un manual indispensable para cada una de sus necesidades

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

“El cielo y la tierra pasarán, pero mis palabras jamás pasarán”. Mateo 24:35 ¡Qué maravillosa promesa!, una de las muchas que Dios ha hablado para su vida. ¿Sabía usted que hay cientos de promesas de Dios similares para cada una de sus necesidades? Estas promesas no cambian; y siempre son verdaderas. Son para todas l… Read more…

Promesas de la Biblia para la vida de la mujer: Un manual indispensable para cada una de sus necesidades

Promesas de la Biblia para la vida de la mujer: Un manual indispensable para cada una de sus necesidades

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

“El cielo y la tierra pasarán, pero mis palabras jamás pasarán”. Mateo 24:35 ¡Qué maravillosa promesa!, una de las muchas que Dios ha hablado para su vida. ¿Sabía usted que hay cientos de promesas de Dios similares para cada una de sus necesidades? Estas promesas no cambian; y siempre son verdaderas. Son para todas las pers… Read more…

(Number of titles: 116)