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Study Bibles

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Catholic Study Bible Notes, 3rd edition

Catholic Study Bible Notes, 3rd edition

by Donald Senior, John J. Collins and Mary Ann Getty

Catholic Study Bible Notes, 3rd Edition is drawn from the notes and reference material of the Catholic Study Bible. Since its publication in 1990, numerous laypersons and clergy have benefited from this resource's explanation of the historical and theological dimensions of the Bible. In this third edition, updated by the original auth… Read more…

New English Translation 2nd Ed. (NET)

New English Translation 2nd Ed. (NET)

In the mid-1990s, a multi-denominational team of more than twenty-five of the world’s foremost biblical scholars gathered around the shared vision of creating an English Bible translation that could overcome old challenges and boldly open the door for new possibilities. With the first edition completed in 2001, ongoing revisions based on scholarly and user… Read more…

CSB Ancient Faith Study Bible

CSB Ancient Faith Study Bible

Christianity's roots run deep with examples of strong faith from spiritual giants extending throughout history. One of the greatest needs today is for Christians to be lifted up from our current cultural moment and be refreshed by the insights and wisdom of ancient believers. Today’s church can be renewed by listening to yesterday’s saints. … Read more…

Bíblia de Estudo Almeida Revista e Atualizada

Bíblia de Estudo Almeida Revista e Atualizada

Esta Bíblia de estudo visa auxiliar as pessoas no estudo da Bíblia, a fim de que obtenham uma compreensão mais ampla e profunda de sua mensagem. Traz introduções gerais sobre a Bíblia, o Antigo e o Novo Testamento e as várias partes em que estes se dividem. Cada livro bíblico é precedido de uma introdução, que traz uma apresentação da sua mensag… Read more…

Biblia del Discipulo

Biblia del Discipulo

by Editorial Unilit

La Biblia del Discípulo es útil tanto para el crecimiento personal como para que se pueda ayudar a otros mediante sus recursos. Muchos desean testificar acerca del Señor Jesucristo, pero nunca han aprendido cómo hacerlo. Otros se han arriesgado, solo para encontrar que a pesar de que conocen las verdades de la fe cristiana, parece que no pueden convencer… Read more…

Biblia Estudio NTLH - coleção

Biblia Estudio NTLH - coleção

Com linguagem clara, profunda e edificante, esta é uma Bíblia que procura explicar o significado do texto bíblico, sem favorecer uma posição doutrinária. São inúmeros os recursos oferecidos para ajudar o leitor a compreender melhor a Palavra de Deus. As notas introdutórias a cada unidade do texto, por exemplo, ajudam o leitor a ter uma noção do co… Read more…

Biblia Notas de liderazgo de Maxwell

Biblia Notas de liderazgo de Maxwell

by John C. Maxwell

Desde Génesis hasta Apocalipsis, la gente, eventos, y las enseñanzas de la Biblia son tesoro de sabiduría y dirección de Dios para cualquiera que ha sido llamado a ser una persona de influencia. Sin importar si eres un ejecutivo, un pastor, un empresario, un padre, un entrenador o un maestro, eres un líder, alguien que influencia y anima a otros. &#… Read more…

Biblia Plenitud Notas

Biblia Plenitud Notas

Una Biblia de estudio preferida por enfatizar en sus notas y elementos informativos una vida dinámica y llena del poder del Espíritu. Esta formidable y reveladora Biblia de estudio ofrece a todo el que tenga hambre de Dios un enfoque total sobre lo que encierra la vida llena del Espíritu. Además de bosquejo detallado e introducción a … Read more…

Chronological Study Bible (NIV)

Chronological Study Bible (NIV)

The NIV Chronological Study Bible presents the text of the New International Version in chronological order with notes, articles, and full-color graphics that connect the reader to the history and culture of Bible times. Features include: The entire NIV text with translators’ notes, arranged in chronological order, provides abso… Read more…

Chronological Study Bible (NKJV)

Chronological Study Bible (NKJV)

The Chronological Study Bible presents the text of the New King James Version in chronological order with notes, articles, and full-color graphics that connect the reader to the history and culture of Bible times. Features include: The entire NKJV text with translators’ notes, arranged in chronological order, provides absorbing … Read more…

Constable's Expository Bible Study Notes

Constable's Expository Bible Study Notes

by Thomas L. Constable

Olive Tree is pleased to offer this comprehensive set of expository Bible study notes by Dr. Thomas Constable, Senior Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary. Constable's Expository Bible Study Notes grew out of Dr. Constable’s personal study and his 45 years of experience as a professor and teacher. Twenty-five years in t… Read more…

CSB Apologetics Study Bible

CSB Apologetics Study Bible

The CSB Apologetics Study Bible helps today’s Christians better understand, defend, and proclaim their beliefs in an age of increasing moral and spiritual relativism. This revised and updated edition includes new articles and extensive apologetics study material from today’s leading apologists to reflect and provide deeper understanding of the relevant a… Read more…

(Number of titles: 147)