Titles For Men - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Titles For Men

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Lies Men Believe: And the Truth that Sets Them Free

Lies Men Believe: And the Truth that Sets Them Free

by Robert Wolgemuth and Robert D Wolgemuth

“If there ever was such a thing as a ‘shortcut’ to the wisdom of the ages, you’re holding it in your hands. This is the kind of wisdom that can only be earned over a lifetime of trial and error, trial and error, and, finally, trial and success.”-Patrick MorleyAuthor, The Man in the Mirror“In 2001, I wrote a book called … Read more…

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Seis batallas que todo hombre debe ganar: . . . y los antiguos secretos para triunfar

Seis batallas que todo hombre debe ganar: . . . y los antiguos secretos para triunfar

by Bill Perkins

La historia de los Hombres Poderosos de David (se encuentra principalmente en 2 Samuel 23), es el tema de este libro retador y alentador para hombres cristianos. Estos “hombres poderosos” no fueron reclutados para el ejército de David por sus carreras impresionantes. Ellos eran hombres vencidos que, cuando se les dió la oportunidad de lograr grandezas,… Read more…

Dangerous Good: The Coming Revolution of Men Who Care

Dangerous Good: The Coming Revolution of Men Who Care

by Kenny Luck and Brandon Batchelar

Narrated by Luck, Kenny

It’s time to wake the sleeping giant in our world, in our communities, in our churches, and in our homes. There’s a revolution brewing, a sleeping giant coming out of a long slumber. For years men have been sitting to the side, minding their own business, nursing their own wounds. But that time is reaching its end. Our wounds must surely be tende… Read more…

Dangerous Good: The Coming Revolution of Men Who Care

Dangerous Good: The Coming Revolution of Men Who Care

by Kenny Luck

It’s time to wake the sleeping giant in our world, in our communities, in our churches, and in our homes.There’s a revolution brewing, a sleeping giant coming out of a long slumber. For years men have been sitting to the side, minding their own business, nursing their own wounds. But that time is reaching its end. Our wounds must surely be tended to, and… Read more…

Words and Deeds: Becoming a Man of Courageous Integrity

Words and Deeds: Becoming a Man of Courageous Integrity

by Charles Causey

We know intuitively, deep in our bones, that the best life is a life where our words and our deeds count for something greater than ourselves. Our hearts quicken when we hear a rousing call to action, when we see someone taking a hill that must be taken. We know that doing and saying nothing is beneath us—that our words and deeds can be the best things abo… Read more…

Words and Deeds: Becoming a Man of Courageous Integrity

Words and Deeds: Becoming a Man of Courageous Integrity

by Charles Causey and Jon Hemmer

Narrated by Causey, Charles

We know intuitively, deep in our bones, that the best life is a life where our words and our deeds count for something greater than ourselves. Our hearts quicken when we hear a rousing call to action, when we see someone taking a hill that must be taken. We know that doing and saying nothing is beneath us―that our words and deeds can be the best things abo… Read more…

Forjado por el padre: Aprende lo que tu padre jamás pudo enseñarte

Forjado por el padre: Aprende lo que tu padre jamás pudo enseñarte

by John Eldredge

John Eldredge enseña a los hombres que Dios quiere completar su crecimiento a través de seis etapas de masculinidad y equipa a los padres para que puedan enseñar esto mismo a sus hijos varones.Hay un camino que conduce a la auténtica masculinidad, andado por los hombres que nos han precedido, hijos que siguen los pasos de sus padr… Read more…

A Man's Guide to Work: 12 Ways to Honor God on the Job

A Man's Guide to Work: 12 Ways to Honor God on the Job

by Patrick Morley

We were created to work, and feel most happy, alive, and useful doing the work we were created to do. The act of productivity is its own reward. Half a man's life is bound up in his work, but few men ever learn a biblical framework, or "theology of work," to help think correctly about all those hours, weeks and years they inve… Read more…

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31 Days of Prayer for My Wife

31 Days of Prayer for My Wife

Jesus is praying for your wife, and He invites you to join Him! Your wife is a gift from God! Recall an image of Jesus you’ve likely seen on His knees, praying. Imagine leaning in and hearing Him speak your wife’s name. Experience His heart for your wife as you claim Bible promises for her future, know and cherish her as God does, and release you… Read more…

Bearded Gospel Men: The Epic Quest for Manliness and Godliness

Bearded Gospel Men: The Epic Quest for Manliness and Godliness

by Jared Brock and Aaron Alford

Narrated by Jared Brock and Aaron Alford

A Devotional That Dudes Will Actually Read!Is there a connection between hairiness and holiness? Some would say a hearty “Yes!” In fact, the world is in the middle of a beard mania. Events like Movember and Decembeard are becoming global movements and manly sites are appearing all over the internet. Is this just another fad? And what does it say … Read more…

Bearded Gospel Men: The Epic Quest for Manliness and Godliness

Bearded Gospel Men: The Epic Quest for Manliness and Godliness

by Jared Brock and Aaron Alford

A Devotional That Dudes Will Actually Read!Is there a connection between hairiness and holiness? Some would say a hearty “Yes!” In fact, the world is in the middle of a beard mania. Events like Movember and Decembeard are becoming global movements and manly sites are appearing all over the internet. Is this just another fad? And what does it say … Read more…

Play the Man: Becoming the Man God Created You to Be

Play the Man: Becoming the Man God Created You to Be

by Mark Batterson

Narrated by Batterson, Mark

Play the man. Make the man. Somewhere along the way, our culture lost its definition of manhood, leaving generations of men and men-to-be confused about their roles, responsibilities, relationships, and the reason God made them men. It's into this "no-man's-land" that New York Times best-selling author Mark Batterson declares his mantra for manhood: … Read more…

(Number of titles: 259)