Christian Education - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Christian Education

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Why Bad Looks Good: Biblical Wisdom to Make Smart Choices in Life, Love, and Friendship

Why Bad Looks Good: Biblical Wisdom to Make Smart Choices in Life, Love, and Friendship

by Wendy Patrick

Overcome deception with biblical perception.Have you ever misjudged a situation that appeared desirable but ended in disaster? Have you been betrayed by a friend, coworker, or love interest? We all face challenging, heartbreaking experiences that require us to make important decisions. Unlike worldly advice, God’s advice is perfect.  Why Bad Looks… Read more…

Unconquered: 10 Principles to Overcome Adversity and Live above Defeat

Unconquered: 10 Principles to Overcome Adversity and Live above Defeat

by Adam Davis

Face your pain. Live unconquered. Trauma is notorious for trapping people in the pain of their past. When you live in defeat, it can be difficult to embrace the hope and victory available in Christ. Former law enforcement officer Adam Davis knows what it’s like to feel defeated. In Unconquered, Davis bravely shares his personal experiences with abuse, … Read more…

Seekers for Jesus: April- June 2023

Seekers for Jesus: April- June 2023

by R H Boyd Publishing Corp

Seekers for Jesus is a quarterly written especially for young people ages 12-14. In addition to introductory material and biblical exposition, each lesson contains a section to help students apply the lesson to life. Questions are interjected to gauge the student’s understanding of the presentation. It follows the International Uniform Sunday School Lesson… Read more…

Teen Scene: April- June 2023

Teen Scene: April- June 2023

by R H Boyd Publishing Corp

Teen Scene is an age-appropriate Christian quarterly lesson guide for young people ages 15-17. In addition to introductory material and biblical exposition, each lesson contains lesson applications along with activities and questions that enhance the students’ understanding of the presentation. Biblical principles are specifically written to reflect the in… Read more…

Adult Christian Life: April- June 2023

Adult Christian Life: April- June 2023

by R H Boyd Publishing Corp

Adult Christian Life is the student book for the mature adult learner. It contains a solid biblical exposition with life centered insight that is designed to enhance an understanding of the text and its meaning for everyday living. It follows the International Uniform Sunday School Lesson Outline from the National Council of Churches… Read more…

Young Learners: April- June 2023

Young Learners: April- June 2023

by R H Boyd Publishing Corp

Young Learners (Ages 6-8) is an age-appropriate Christian quarterly lesson guide .This book includes show-and-tell Scripture recitations and activities for younger children. It follows the International Uniform Sunday School Lesson Outline from the National Council of Churches.… Read more…

Youth Teacher: April- June 2023

Youth Teacher: April- June 2023

by R H Boyd Publishing Corp

Youth Teacher is a quarterly resource for instructors that assists with discussing issues pertaining to youth ages 12-17. Sections such as Biblical Emphases give background knowledge of the lesson. All lessons include relevant life concerns and lesson applications to help the teacher relate the Bible to the lives of young people. It is used for Seekers for J… Read more…

Adult Mentor: April- June 2023

Adult Mentor: April- June 2023

by R H Boyd Publishing Corp

The Adult Mentor is a topical Christian quarterly study guide for the adult learner and is designed to increase Christian faith and biblical understanding using a variety of learning methods. It is a practical resource for every day Christian living.… Read more…

Adventurers with Jesus: April- June 2023

Adventurers with Jesus: April- June 2023

by R H Boyd Publishing Corp

Adventurers with Jesus (Ages 9-11) is an age-appropriate Christian quarterly lesson guide. Lesson presentations are easily taught and understood and show students how to find salvation through Jesus Christ. It follows the International Uniform Sunday School Lesson Outline from the National Council of Churches.… Read more…

Growing with Jesus: April- June 2023

Growing with Jesus: April- June 2023

by R H Boyd Publishing Corp

NextGen Leaders is a quarterly study guide directed towards young adults as they venture into the world of higher education and work. This quarterly stresses the issues and concerns of young Christians. The lessons are both challenging and rewarding, and they address current day issues within society. It follows the International Uniform Sunday School Lesson… Read more…

NextGen Leaders: April- June 2023

NextGen Leaders: April- June 2023

by R H Boyd Publishing Corp

Master Teacher is the teacher’s quarterly to be used with Adult Christian Life and College and Career. Each lesson contains extensive biblical exposition and specific instructions for the teacher. The outline of the lesson is reader-friendly, and includes suggestions for maximizing teacher/student interaction and topics for making the study informative and… Read more…

Transformational Teaching: Instructional Design for Christian Educators

Transformational Teaching: Instructional Design for Christian Educators

by Kenneth S Coley, Martha E MacCullough and Deborah L MacCullough

Comprehensive and up-to-date, Transformational Teaching provides a survey of instructional design and effective pedagogy that incorporates a biblical worldview throughout, making it especially useful for education courses at Christian colleges, Christian teachers who desire further training or ACSI certification, and homeschooling parents using a faith-based… Read more…

(Number of titles: 964)