Resources by Publishing Rose - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by Publishing Rose

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Discovering Who You Are

Discovering Who You Are

by Publishing Rose

Who am I? In this easy-to-understand book, expert Dr. Norm Wright gives advice on how to find our identity in Christ (rather than in what others think). His down-to-earth, practical advice backed by over four decades of Christian counseling experience will help you avoid the confusion and pain that comes from a misplaced identity and will help you a… Read more…

Helping Your Hurting Teen

Helping Your Hurting Teen

by Publishing Rose

Find out how to help an adolescent struggling with anger, teen depression, grief, or loss with this easy-to-understand Christian parenting book by expert Dr. Norm Wright. Includes an overview of key symptoms and practical solutions. Is your teen withdrawing, acting unusual, or distracted? Do you feel like you just don't know your chil… Read more…

Bible Overview (Book)

Bible Overview (Book)

by Publishing Rose

New! Bible Overview Helps You Make Sense of the Bible — at a glance The Bible is made up of 66 books, written over 1600 years, by about 40 writers. And Bible Overview will give you a grasp of each book quickly in this full-color handbook. People need to know: Where do I start? What is the most important thing I… Read more…

Attributes of God

Attributes of God

by Publishing Rose

5 Ways Knowing God's Traits Will Improve Your Life Perspective Have you ever questioned God's goodness during tough seasons? It's easy to accept that God is loving when you receive a promotion and that he's merciful when someone forgives you. But, God's characteristics during troubling times can appear so abstr… Read more…

Women of the Bible: New Testament

Women of the Bible: New Testament

by Publishing Rose

Jesus reached across cultural norms by befriending and discipling women throughout his life. The bestselling Women of the Bible: New Testament pamphlet presents portraits of 15 women, some who encountered Jesus personally, and some who served in the early Church. Some women are known by name, like Mary and Martha, while others are known by their situation, s… Read more…

10 Questions And Answers On Buddhism

10 Questions And Answers On Buddhism

by Publishing Rose

According to the 2010 edition of Operation World, Buddhism is the world's 4th largest religion. Did you know that Buddhism draws "large numbers of people who switch ... from Protestantism and Catholicism"? (Pew Forum survey, 2007) Did you know that George Lucas, Jennifer Lopez, Tiger Woods, Tina Turner and others have said th… Read more…

10 Questions And Answers On Angels

10 Questions And Answers On Angels

by Publishing Rose

Angels are fascinating beings! They are God's creatures given by him for our help. Learn about what the Bible says (and doesn't say) about these powerful servants of God. Author Robert M. Bowman (background: Christian Research Institute, Watchman Fellowship, lecturer at Biola University) sorts through myths and misinformation to answer these question… Read more…

Why Truth Matters

Why Truth Matters

by Publishing Rose

What is truth, and how can we know? The Bible plainly reveals the errors and false teachings that Christians will be expected to identify and defend against. Learn to recognize the counterfeits through the light of God's truth. Christians often wonder why certain religious groups are called "cults" or are said to h… Read more…

Strong in the Storm

Strong in the Storm

by Publishing Rose

God's love through tough times. Strong in the Storm: Six Lessons from Persecuted Christians The lives of persecuted Christians have much to teach us about how God gives courage, peace, and even joy through life's toughest storms. This pamphlet gives 6 lessons we can learn from the persecuted Church and includes six amazing stories… Read more…

Pursuing Jesus

Pursuing Jesus

by Publishing Rose

Basic discipleship in language anyone can understand for a new generation of believers. Answers the question, "I’m a Christian—exactly what does that mean and how do I do it?" New believer's tool; youth & young adult The basics of Christian living for a new generation of believers. Addresses 15 questio… Read more…

Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts

by Publishing Rose

This best-selling Spiritual Gifts Pamphlet explains the spiritual gifts in the Bible and includes a Spiritual Gifts Quiz to help people know their gifts. This Spiritual Gifts booklet explains each of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and what they mean. When you became a Christian, the Holy Spirit gave you spiritual gifts to build up fellow bel… Read more…

Dead Sea Scrolls

Dead Sea Scrolls

by Publishing Rose

The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls is one of the most important archaeological finds ever for Christians. This find confirms that the Bible was translated accurately over the centuries. The scrolls also tell us about life at the time of Jesus and the New Testament. Dead Sea Scrolls includes the story of how the scrolls were discovered, a map, time line, p… Read more…

(Number of titles: 58)