Non-English Resources - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Non-English Resources

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Современный русский перевод Библии (СРП)

Современный русский перевод Библии (СРП)

Современный русский перевод Библии (СРП) отличает точная передача смысла Священного Писания, совмещенная с ясностью и доступностью изложения. Одна из главных задач перевода — отразить на совреме… Read more…

Новый Завет, перевод под ред. еп. Кассиана Безобразова

Новый Завет, перевод под ред. еп. Кассиана Безобразова

Настоящий перевод Нового Завета был начат в 1953 году, при поддержке Британского и Иностранного Библейского Общества, группой переводчиков, которой руководил известный русский библеист епископ Ка… Read more…

Diccionario de la Santa Biblia

Diccionario de la Santa Biblia

by W. W. Rand and W. Rand

¡El Diccionario de la Santa Biblia le da más! Más que solo definiciones de términos bíblicos. Le da detalles acerca de la Biblia, de su historia, de su ambiente, su geografía, sus personajes y sus doctrinas. Le provee con los antecedentes que usted necesita para obtener una imagen completa de la vida durante los tiempos bíblicos.El Diccionario de la S… Read more…

Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional)

Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional)

The Chinese Union Version is the predominant Chinese language translation of the Bible used by the Chinese. The Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation updates the CUV's punctuation in line with modern usage. Please note that this particular edition uses traditional Chinese characters. 《和合本》是華人中占權威… Read more…

Bibelen 2011 Bokmål

Bibelen 2011 Bokmål

Denne bibelteksten er en oversettelse fra 2005 (NT) og 2010 (GT), der hele oversettelsen er utgitt i oktober 2011. 
En fullstendig konkordant oversettelse finnes ikke. Både ordstilling, ordforråd og grammatikk gjør det umulig å oversette ”ord for ord” fra grunnspråkene. Derfor vil alle bibeloversettelser være idiomatiske i stø… Read more…

Chinese New Version (CNV 新譯本)

Chinese New Version (CNV 新譯本)

The Chinese New Version (新譯本) is a modern translation of the Bible known for its close adherence to the original languages. It is the work of the Worldwide Bible Society with the assistance of the Lockman Foundation. It was first made available in 1992, and is also sometimes called the New Chinese Version. This particular electronic edition uses tra… Read more…

Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Simplified)

Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Simplified)

The Chinese Union Version is the predominant Chinese language translation of the Bible used by the Chinese. The Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation updates the CUV's punctuation in line with modern usage. Please note that this particular edition uses simplified Chinese characters. 《和合本》是华人中占权威地位的中… Read more…

Diccionario Biblico Conciso Holman (Holman Concise Bible Dictionary)

Diccionario Biblico Conciso Holman (Holman Concise Bible Dictionary)

A concise and reliable Bible dictionary for Spanish speaking readers, now available for mobile devices! As dynamic as larger library editions, el Diccionario Biblico Conciso gets to the point quickly, accurately and provides extensive coverage. No matter if the question is about a biblical person place or thing, you will find a concise def… Read more…

Concordancia Tematica Holman (Holman Concise Topical Concordance)

Concordancia Tematica Holman (Holman Concise Topical Concordance)

Concordancia Tematica Holman is a Spanish Bible-reference work that enables Bible readers, students, and teachers to look up Bible verses by topic. Topics are arranged in alphabetical order so readers can easily find topics of interest and see key verses in Scripture where each topic is addressed. This topical concordance is a basic study tool that will en… Read more…

Die Luther-Bibel 1984 (mit der neuen Rechtschreibung 1999)

Die Luther-Bibel 1984 (mit der neuen Rechtschreibung 1999)

The 1984 German Luther Bible is now available in the new orthography. [Deutsch] Die Bibel nach der Übersetzung Martin Luthers mit Apokryphen. Revidierte Fassung von 1984, durchgesehene Ausgabe in neuer Rechtschreibung 1999, © Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart, Deuts… Read more…

Nouvelle Edition de Geneve 1979

Nouvelle Edition de Geneve 1979

Pastor and Doctor in theology, Louis Segond was born in 1810 to French parents in Geneva and his translation of the complete bible was published for the first time in 1880. This version has been modernized and was released in 1975 with C.I. Scofield notes and again in 1979 under the name Nouvelle Edition de Genève. Pasteur et docteur en t… Read more…

Reina Valera 1909 - RV1909

Reina Valera 1909 - RV1909

Por 248 años la versión Reina-Valera no fue revisada en su totalidad. En 1708 y 1831 el Nuevo Testamento fue revisado, pero no fue sino hasta 1850 que se hizo una revisión completa. Este trabajo fue realizado por la Sociedad Bíblica Americana. Durante la última mitad del siglo XIX la Reina-Valera pasó por varias revisiones. La revisión de 19… Read more…

(Number of titles: 87)