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For the Olive Tree Bible App

Galatians: Story of God Bible Commentary (SGBC)

Galatians: Story of God Bible Commentary (SGBC)

by Nijay K Gupta

Galatians is a responsive text - Paul believed that this was a make-or-break time for the full acceptance of his mission and ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ for gentiles, so he did not shy away from speaking his mind. Before we can digest the message of the letter to the Galatians for our own lives today, we must first make sense of why Paul wrote wha… Read more…

Mark: Story of God Bible Commentary (SGBC)

Mark: Story of God Bible Commentary (SGBC)

by Timothy G Gombis

Mark's Gospel is highly subversive and challenges disciples in ways that are unique from the other three accounts of Jesus' ministry. His narrative addresses Christian audiences who know Jesus' teaching and who have made a Christian confession but who are failing to grasp the character of the gospel as thoroughly shaped be the cross of Christ. … Read more…

1–2 Chronicles: Story of God Bible Commentary (SGBC)

1–2 Chronicles: Story of God Bible Commentary (SGBC)

by Carol M Kaminski

Chronicles tells the story of kingship and life in the kingdom, with joyful worship of God at its center. While the lives and exploits of Davidic kings will be rehearsed and principles for kingdom-living will be expounded, Chronicles is ultimately God’s story. The Lord God is gloriously enthroned in the heavens, and he rules as king over all the nations. H… Read more…

1 and 2 Kings: Story of God Bible Commentary (SGBC)

1 and 2 Kings: Story of God Bible Commentary (SGBC)

by David T. Lamb

The book of Kings tells the story of many failures: how Solomon’s sin led to the division of the monarchy, how Jeroboam’s sin plagued the Northern Kingdom for centuries, and how persistent apostasy resulted in exile for both the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Why would anyone want to read such a depressing story? Because one can learn a lot from failure  Read more…

Ruth, Esther: Story of God Bible Commentary (SGBC)

Ruth, Esther: Story of God Bible Commentary (SGBC)

by Marion Ann Taylor

The book of Ruth presents a compelling account of how most of us experience God in our everyday lives. We see God working indirectly behind the scenes, giving us a theology of divine and human cooperation, as those who pray for God’s blessings participate in answering their own petitions as well as the prayers of others. In Esther’s story, we recognize o… Read more…

Numbers: Story of God Bible Commentary (SGBC)

Numbers: Story of God Bible Commentary (SGBC)

by Jay Sklar

The story of Numbers alternates between the heights of obedience and hope and the lows of rebellion and despair. The heights open and close the book and mirror one another like twin majestic peaks (1:1–10:10; 26:1–36:13). The lows occur in between like a dry desert valley that seems to stretch on forever (10:11–25:18). But the peaks and the valley work… Read more…

Leviticus: Story of God Bible Commentary (SGBC)

Leviticus: Story of God Bible Commentary (SGBC)

by Jerry E. Shepherd

In ancient times, Leviticus was the first biblical book with which Jewish children began their education. According to the rabbis, there are 613 laws in the Torah, and nearly half of them are contained in Leviticus. And yet it also contains narrative, making the book's genre something like an "instructional history" and indicating that the instruction ca… Read more…

Exodus: Story of God Bible Commentary (SGBC)

Exodus: Story of God Bible Commentary (SGBC)

by Christopher J. H. Wright

Exodus' place within the story of God is defined by its record of God's greatest act of redemption until the cross and resurrection of Christ. Its concluding picture of God in all his blessing and glory dwelling in the midst of his people will spark the faith and vision of the concluding picture of the whole Bible. &… Read more…

Treasures in the Dark: 90 Reflections on Finding Bright Hope Hidden in the Hurting

Treasures in the Dark: 90 Reflections on Finding Bright Hope Hidden in the Hurting

by Katherine Wolf

Narrated by Katherine Wolf and Alex Wolf

Sometimes the most valuable treasures are found in the darkest of times. In fact, it's often in the very heart of our deepest pain and struggle that God chooses to reveal his most precious gifts. Let Katherine Wolf lead you in finding the hope God has for you in your most painful places.In our lowest, most difficult moments, it's often impossible to … Read more…

Now and Not Yet: Pressing in When You’re Waiting, Wanting, and Restless for More

Now and Not Yet: Pressing in When You’re Waiting, Wanting, and Restless for More

by Ruth Chou Simons

Narrated by Ruth Simons

Read by the author.Bestselling author Ruth Chou Simons guides readers who are restless in their current circumstances on a journey of growth, purpose, and pressing in.Too often, we feel disappointed with our "right now"--our life circumstances, our relationships, our progress, our daily grind. We want to do so many things--good, godly things--but our situati… Read more…

Treasures in the Dark: 90 Reflections on Finding Bright Hope Hidden in the Hurting

Treasures in the Dark: 90 Reflections on Finding Bright Hope Hidden in the Hurting

by Katherine Wolf

Sometimes the most valuable treasures are found in the darkest of times. In fact, it's often in the very heart of our deepest pain and struggle that God chooses to reveal his most precious gifts. Let Katherine Wolf lead you in finding the hope God has for you in your most painful places.In our lowest, most difficult moments, it's often impossible to … Read more…

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Blessed Are the Rest of Us: How Limits and Longing Make Us Whole

Blessed Are the Rest of Us: How Limits and Longing Make Us Whole

by Micha Boyett

When Micha Boyett's son was born with Down syndrome and later diagnosed with autism, she was drawn into the ancient teachings of the Beatitudes. There, she found an invitation to honor her limits in a world that values performance, perfection, and strength. Jesus instead calls his followers to embrace meekness, mercy, and the longing for justice. The Bea… Read more…

(Number of titles: 223)