Marriage & Family - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Marriage & Family

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Making Your Marriage a Fortress: Strengthening Your Marriage to Withstand Life's Storms

Making Your Marriage a Fortress: Strengthening Your Marriage to Withstand Life's Storms

by Gary Thomas

Narrated by Gary Thomas

Read by the author.The wisdom and insight every couple needs to keep your marriage together when the trials of life threaten to rip it apart and how you can fortify your marriage ahead of time. Every marriage will face disaster. Illness or cancer. Job loss or financial burdens. Addiction. Anxiety. Infidelity. Loss of faith. It's not a question of if… Read more…

I'll See You Tomorrow: Building Relational Resilience When You Want to Quit

I'll See You Tomorrow: Building Relational Resilience When You Want to Quit

by Heather Thompson Day and Seth Day

Narrated by Michelle Lasley, Seth Day and Heather Day

Read by the authors.In a culture where people easily and hastily cancel relationships rather than cultivate them, discover what the Bible has to say about how we need to keep showing up for one another—even when we feel like walking away.We are surrounded by choices. If we want to watch a movie, we have multiple platforms we can choose from. If we grow… Read more…

I'll See You Tomorrow: Building Relational Resilience When You Want to Quit

I'll See You Tomorrow: Building Relational Resilience When You Want to Quit

by Heather Thompson Day and Seth Day

In a culture where people easily and hastily cancel relationships rather than cultivate them, discover what the Bible has to say about how we need to keep showing up for one another—even when we feel like walking away.We are surrounded by choices. If we want to watch a movie, we have multiple platforms we can choose from. If we grow tired of a friend o… Read more…

People Factor: How Building Great Relationships and Ending Bad Ones Unlocks Your God-Given Purpose

People Factor: How Building Great Relationships and Ending Bad Ones Unlocks Your God-Given Purpose

by Van Moody

Narrated by Rick Jones and Guy Branche

The relationships in your life will make the difference between happiness and misery.The right relationship will launch you to the heights of achievement; the wrong one will tether you to mediocrity. Your relationships will be your sources of greatest joy and your venues of greatest pain. Van Moody says, “When people show you who they are, pay attentio… Read more…

Cómo criar a los varones: Consejos prácticos para aquellos que están formando a la próxima generación de hombres

Cómo criar a los varones: Consejos prácticos para aquellos que están formando a la próxima generación de hombres

by James C. Dobson

Aquí tenemos consejos sensatos y aliento solidario por la autoridad más confiable en la crianza de los hijos, el Dr. James Dobson, para criar a los varones.Con tanta confusión sobre el papel de los hombres en nuestra sociedad, no es de extrañar que tengamos preguntas sobre cómo educar a los varones. ¿Por qué hay tantos varones en crisis? ¿Qué cualid… Read more…

Embracing Complementarianism: Turning Biblical Convictions into Positive Church Culture

Embracing Complementarianism: Turning Biblical Convictions into Positive Church Culture

by Graham Beynon and Jane Tooher

It can be tempting to shy away from addressing the issue of gender roles in church because it’s often controversial. But this can result in churches either being increasingly influenced by secular culture or simply sticking with the status quo when it comes to what men and women do in church. Building on the belief that complem… Read more…

Godly Dating 101: Discover the Truth About Relationships in a World That Constantly Lies

Godly Dating 101: Discover the Truth About Relationships in a World That Constantly Lies

by Tovares Grey and Safa Grey

Narrated by Charles Ray and Machelle Williams

How can you be sure you’ve found “the one”? How do you know when it’s time to leave a relationship that’s turning toxic? Godly Dating 101 answers these questions and more in a practical guide that will help young Christians develop authentic and healthy dating relationships.With more than three million followers across… Read more…

Love, Pray, Listen: Parenting Your Wayward Adult Kids with Joy

Love, Pray, Listen: Parenting Your Wayward Adult Kids with Joy

by Mary DeMuth

There's no doubt that your parenting role changes drastically when your kids become adults. You are deeply invested in and affected by your adult children's choices. Parents whose children choose difficult--even seemingly wrong--paths deal with heartache, disappointment, and the danger of strained or severed relationships. You need a robust theology … Read more…

Why Did God Give My Kids Free Will?: He Could've Waited until They Moved Out

Why Did God Give My Kids Free Will?: He Could've Waited until They Moved Out

by Ken Swarner

Do you sometimes wonder about God’s plan, specifically why He gave our children free will to do the things they do? More thoughtful and holy thinkers have tackled the question. It’s a mystery, mostly, but in its raw form, parental mishaps help us get closer to God. Consider: Learning patience while spitwads land in your drinkEmbracing the absurdi… Read more…

Resilient Kids: Raising Them to Embrace Life with Confidence

Resilient Kids: Raising Them to Embrace Life with Confidence

by Koch PhD

Narrated by Jamie Mulholland

Children need to believe their future is bright. The more disappointments they don’t recover well from, the less likely they are to dream. When they do not process challenging experiences well it can lead to defeat, rather than encourage them to grow and mature. Far too many children don’t grasp their strengths and, as a result do not believe … Read more…

Write It On Their Hearts: Practical Help for Discipling Your Kids

Write It On Their Hearts: Practical Help for Discipling Your Kids

by Chris Swain and Melissa Swain

Family life is often very busy! There are so many things competing for time and attention. Kids are also influenced by many different things. How can we make sure that we are making the most of our time with our children to lead them spiritually? And what is the best approach? This practical guide gives parents a systematic appro… Read more…

Divorce Care: Hope, Help, and Healing During and After Your Divorce

Divorce Care: Hope, Help, and Healing During and After Your Divorce

by Kathy Leonard and Steve Grissom

Narrated by Christopher Ragland

There is joy, strength, and healing available to you in the midst of separation or divorce.Things may look bleak right now. Your world is a mix of shock, anger, hurt, and hopelessness. Many of the people around you don't understand the depth of your pain or the complexity of the challenges you face. You feel rejected, betrayed, and exhausted. You wonder … Read more…

(Number of titles: 1583)