Resources by Joel R. Beeke - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by Joel R. Beeke

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Pulpit Aflame

Pulpit Aflame

by Joel R. Beeke and Dustin W. Benge

The apostle Paul instructed Timothy to preach the word! . . . 'Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching' (2 Tim. 4:2). This instruction is in keeping with the principle reflected in the book of Acts that the proclamation of God's Word is the heart of corporate worship. Yet in many churches, preaching is in decline under the … Read more…

How Can I Cultivate Private Prayer?

How Can I Cultivate Private Prayer?

by Joel R. Beeke

Prayer is a crucial part of the Christian life, and believers must give it careful attention and cultivation. As they pray, Christians exercise their faith in repentance, in submission to God’s will, and in praise to God. Believers in Christ, then, must grow in their prayer life—in their communion with God. In this pamphlet, Joel R. Beeke gives readers … Read more…

Fighting Satan: Knowing His Weaknesses, Strategies, and Defeat

Fighting Satan: Knowing His Weaknesses, Strategies, and Defeat

by Joel R. Beeke

If you are a true believer, Satan hates you because you bear the image of Christ and because you were snatched from his power. You deserted Satan, and he wants you back. He wants to sift you like wheat. While we should not overestimate Satan’s power, to our peril we underestimate an enemy who is living, intelligent, resourceful, and cunning. … Read more…

Reformation Heroes

Reformation Heroes

by Joel R. Beeke and Diana Kleyn

The Reformation did not happen instantaneously; it was something God patiently arranged over a number of years. As you read this book, you will learn how the Lord used some people to plant the seeds of church reform long before October 31, 1517, when Martin Luther published his ninety-five theses. Luther's story is well-known; we trust you will find it i… Read more…

Beauty and Glory of the Holy Spirit

Beauty and Glory of the Holy Spirit

by Joel R. Beeke

The essays in The Beauty and Glory of the Holy Spirit both exalt and revel in the third person of the Trinity. Through an assortment of studies - categorized according to their biblical, doctrinal, historical, or pastoral focus - this book sets before readers the inestimable ministry of the blessed Holy Spirit. Contributors include David Murray, Geoffrey Tho… Read more…

Fighting Satan: Knowing His Weaknesses, Strategies, and Defeat

Fighting Satan: Knowing His Weaknesses, Strategies, and Defeat

by Joel R. Beeke

Narrated by Beeke, Joel R.

If you are a true believer, Satan hates you because you bear the image of Christ and because you were snatched from his power. You deserted Satan, and he wants you back. He wants to sift you like wheat. While we should not overestimate Satan s power, to our peril we underestimate an enemy who is living, intelligent, resourceful, and cunning.Every Christian i… Read more…

One Man and One Woman: Marriage and Same-Sex Relations

One Man and One Woman: Marriage and Same-Sex Relations

by Joel R. Beeke and Paul Smalley

What does the Bible teach about sexual relationships between people of the same sex? Does true love require that we accept all forms of sexual expression? No, real love does not rejoice in sin, but rejoices in the truth. In the Bible, God reveals that He created gender, sex, and marriage, and we may not alter them at our will. Through His laws and works in … Read more…

Living in a Godly Marriage

Living in a Godly Marriage

by Joel R. Beeke and James A LaBelle

The Puritans believed that godly marriages were foundational for the future life of families, churches, and nations. Therefore, they wrote prolifically on the subject of marriage, seeking to bring biblical reformation to this subject in a comprehensive way. Martin Luther, John Calvin, and other previous Reformers had begun this task, but the Puritans took i… Read more…

Theology Made Practical: New Studies on John Calvin and His Legacy

Theology Made Practical: New Studies on John Calvin and His Legacy

by David W. Hall, Michael A. G. Haykin and Joel R. Beeke

In Theology Made Practical , Joel R. Beeke, David W. Hall, and Michael A. G. Haykin declare the significance of John Calvin’s life and ideas—particularly his contributions to systematic theology, pastoral theology, and political theology—as well as the influence he had on others through the centuries. With focused studies related to the Trinity, pre… Read more…

Why Should We Sing Psalms?

Why Should We Sing Psalms?

by Joel R. Beeke

Among evangelicals, singing psalms is largely a thing of the past. In this pamphlet, Joel R. Beeke gives nine reasons why churches ought to return to the ancient practice of psalm singing. Here you will find the biblical basis, the experiential benefits, and the sheer beauty and glory of singing psalms. Those hoping to recover biblical faith in our day will … Read more…

Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching

Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching

by Derek W. H. Thomas, John Piper, John MacArthur, R. C. Sproul, Sinclair B. Ferguson, Joel R. Beeke, James Montgomery Boice, Eric J. Alexander, R. Albert Mohler and Mark Kistler

Narrated by Mohler , R. Albert

Is Biblical Preaching Doomed to Extinction? In the Old Testament, God decried the fact that His people were perishing for lack of knowledge about Him. The same seems to be occurring today. There is sharing, suggesting, plenty of storytelling, and lots of preaching to felt needs in modern pulpits. But the authoritative, expositional opening of the Word of God… Read more…

Parenting by God's Promises

Parenting by God's Promises

by Joel R. Beeke

Narrated by Beeke, Joel R.

Many parents today are searching for the secret to successful parenting. In Covenantal Parenting--Raising Children in Dependence on God s Promises, Dr. Joel R. Beeke asserts that there is no secret. When it comes to giving children what they need most new hearts that trust in Christ for forgiveness of sins parents are helpless. When children come to faith, i… Read more…

(Number of titles: 64)