Prayer - Olive Tree Bible Software

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For the Olive Tree Bible App

28-Day Prayer Journey: Audio Bible Studies: Enjoying Deeper Conversations with God

28-Day Prayer Journey: Audio Bible Studies: Enjoying Deeper Conversations with God

by Chrystal Evans Hurst

Narrated by Chrystal Hurst

A well-organized and welcoming guide to having meaningful conversations with God.Do you yearn for a consistent prayer life? Do you struggle with distraction when praying alone, timidity when praying with others, or knowing where to start in either setting? Bestselling writer and beloved speaker Chrystal Evans Hurst knows both the freedom and blessing of esta… Read more…

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Prayers And Promises For Teachers

Prayers And Promises For Teachers

by Pamela Kaye Tracy

The classroom-it's one of the most challenging and yet rewarding places to serve. Prayers & Promises for Teachers helps classroom newcomers and veterans alike face the trials and appreciate the rewards. This devotional guide includes nearly two hundred uplifting promises from Scripture, along with contemporary prayers, all conveniently arranged by to… Read more…

30 Days to a More Dynamic Prayer Life: Making God Your Focus

30 Days to a More Dynamic Prayer Life: Making God Your Focus

by John Franklin

God created prayer as a personal, intimate way for us to connect to, talk to, and listen to Him. But how many times have you felt like the prayer culture at your church is inconsistent at best? This thirty-day leaders resource ties solid biblical teaching with practical ways on how to make prayer a lifestyle habit. Author and pastor John Franklin will equip … Read more…

31 Days of Prayer for My Child: A Parent's Guide

31 Days of Prayer for My Child: A Parent's Guide

by Susan Alexander Yates and Allison Yates Gaskins

Between sibling rivalry, keeping children safe, and teaching their kids about Jesus, sometimes parents just want to scream for help!Well, help is here. Authors Susan Alexander Yates and daughter, Allison Yates Gaskins, are mothers themselves and know firsthand the worrisome responsibilities of child-rearing. As parents, they also know the importance of prayi… Read more…

Finding God in the Verbs: Crafting a Fresh Language of Prayer

Finding God in the Verbs: Crafting a Fresh Language of Prayer

by J. Brent Bill and Jennie Isbell

Do you long for deeper communion with God? Spiritual director Jennie Isbell and Quaker minister Brent Bill know how easy it is to lapse into repetitious refrains of prayer: "Our hearts told us that we had lapsed into easy God speak. We weren't reaching deep into our spirits and drawing out living words of praise, confession, concern, intercession and lon… Read more…

Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers: Prayer for Ordinary Radicals

Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers: Prayer for Ordinary Radicals

by Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

"Prayer is not so much about convincing God to do what we want God to do as it is about convincing ourselves to do what God wants us to do." —from the Introduction Activists Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove show how prayer and action must go together. Their exposition of key Bible passages provides concrete examples of how a life of prayer fue… Read more…

365 Days of Prayer for Depression and Anxiety

365 Days of Prayer for Depression and Anxiety

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

When life’s troubles overwhelm you and you feel yourself slipping into depression or filled with anxiety, find your peace in God. Take comfort in knowing that he cares deeply for you and he will be with you in your darkest moments.365 Days of Prayer for Depression and Anxiety is a collection of daily prayers that help you find the compassion, confidenc… Read more…

365 Days of Prayer for Grief and Loss

365 Days of Prayer for Grief and Loss

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Whether you have made prayer a habit for many years or this is your first prayer devotional, inspiration and comfort is waiting for you in the daily prayers written here. Prayer is a conversation with God. You don’t need to use fancy words or recite long passages of Scripture. Just talk to God. Open your heart. Tell him about your depth of loss and exp… Read more…

365 Days of Prayer for Mothers

365 Days of Prayer for Mothers

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Do you ever sit down to pray and struggle to find the right words? You want to spend time with God, but you don’t know where to begin?365 Days of Prayer for Mothers is a beautiful book of topically arranged, guided prayers and complementary Scriptures that will enhance your prayer life and offer you peace, joy, and strength every day. God hears your vo… Read more…

365 días de oración para la depresión y la ansiedad

365 días de oración para la depresión y la ansiedad

by BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Cuando los problemas de la vida te abruman y te sientes caer en el pozo de la depresión o estás lleno de ansiedad, encuentra tu paz en Dios. Siéntete tranquilo sabiendo que Dios se preocupa profundamente por ti y estará contigo en tus momentos más oscuros.365 días de oración por la depresión y la ansiedad es una colecci&… Read more…

365 oraciones de bolsillo para madres: Orientación y sabiduría para cada día

365 oraciones de bolsillo para madres: Orientación y sabiduría para cada día

by Erin Keeley Marshall, Amie Carlson and Karen Hodge

Exprese sus angustias y frustraciones a Dios con este libro de 365 oraciones de bolsillo para madres.La vida cotidiana lleva consigo todo tipo de preocupaciones: desafíos con los hijos, tareas por hacer, problemas de salud, dificultades financieras y otras cosas que le impiden disfrutar de sus hijos y de su vida. En ocasiones es difícil saber por qué orar… Read more…

365 oraciones de bolsillo para mujeres: Orientación y sabiduría para cada día

365 oraciones de bolsillo para mujeres: Orientación y sabiduría para cada día

by Ronald A. Beers and Amy Mason

Llegue al corazón de lo que desea expresar a Dios con este libro de 365 oraciones para mujeres.La vida cotidiana puede contener momentos de esperanza y gozo, así como de dolor y decepción. La Biblia promete que Dios siempre está allí para ayudarnos a través de cualquier situación que enfrentemos a diario. Él nos invita a venir a él en oración, pero… Read more…

(Number of titles: 714)