Bible Studies - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Bible Studies

For the Olive Tree Bible App

MacArthur Bible Studies: Ephesians

MacArthur Bible Studies: Ephesians

by John F. MacArthur

Though attempting to live a transformed life by the power of the Holy Spirit, the church in Ephesus was immersed in an evil culture and surrounded by sin and pagan ways. Discouraged believers needed a reminder of God’s grace and love, of the blessings they had in Jesus Christ, and of their commitment to holiness. Written by the apostle P… Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: 2 Samuel

MacArthur Bible Studies: 2 Samuel

by John F. MacArthur

David is known as Israel’s greatest king, but he was certainly not a super-hero. He had to fight many difficult battles to establish his throne, and when he did become king, he committed murder, adultery, and brought disaster on his family. He was a man with all-too-human failings who was far from perfect, yet he was also a man after God’s own heart. Dav… Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: 1 Kings 1 to 11, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes

MacArthur Bible Studies: 1 Kings 1 to 11, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes

by John F. MacArthur

Solomon is known as the wisest man who ever lived. His writings in the Old Testament range from practical, pithy proverbs to beautiful romantic poetry—and all are filled with his knowledge and insights. Yet behind those writings stood a flawed man who was conflicted between deep wisdom and tragic folly. Sadly, the king who warned against so many sins did n… Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: 1 Samuel

MacArthur Bible Studies: 1 Samuel

by John F. MacArthur

The time of the judges were turbulent days in Israel’s history, marked by a continuing cycle of sin, oppression, repentance, and deliverance. In time, the people decided they would do better under the leadership of a king, and they arrogantly demanded that God provide them with one. Samuel, God’s anointed prophet, warned they would be getting more than t… Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: Joshua, Judges, and Ruth

MacArthur Bible Studies: Joshua, Judges, and Ruth

by John F. MacArthur

It took more than forty years of wandering, but finally the nation of Israel was ready to enter the land that God had promised to them. However, they knew that arriving at the borders was just the beginning, for many battles and many foes still lay ahead. Yet, as Joshua reminded them, they also knew that the Lord had promised to fight all their battles and d… Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: Philippians

MacArthur Bible Studies: Philippians

by John F. MacArthur

The people in the city of Philippi who received this letter from their friend, Paul, were suffering from two of Christianity’s greatest adversaries: self-sufficiency and complacency. While writing this letter from a Roman prison cell, Paul was able to provide a unique perspective on these enemies of our faith. Even as he faced horrific trials, Paul continu… Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: Genesis 34 to 50

MacArthur Bible Studies: Genesis 34 to 50

by John F. MacArthur

Nearly half the book of Genesis is devoted to the lives of Jacob and his twelve sons, who were important figures in the history of Israel and in the history of the Christian church. The account of their lives takes the term “dysfunctional family” to a new level, but God used this flawed clan as a beautiful canvas to portray His providence, judgment, and … Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: Genesis 1 to 11

MacArthur Bible Studies: Genesis 1 to 11

by John F. MacArthur

Where did we come from? Why is there pain and suffering? Who committed the first murder? Why are there so many languages in the world? The first eleven chapters of the book of Genesis have the answers to these questions and more—providing us with the history of the human race in its earliest years prior to the time of Abraham. In this st… Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: Exodus and Numbers

MacArthur Bible Studies: Exodus and Numbers

by John F. MacArthur

Although the descendants of Jacob moved to Egypt as honored guests, in time they became despised slaves groaning under the mistreatment of Pharaoh. In response to the people’s cries, God called a man named Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt into Canaan, but their journey took a dramatic forty-year detour when they failed to trust in God.In this stud… Read more…

Philippians: Heaven’s Joy 8-week Study Guide

Philippians: Heaven’s Joy 8-week Study Guide

by Brian Simmons

What joy and glory came out of Paul’s prison cell when he wrote to the Philippian church! Paul’s words point us to heaven, teaching us how to be joyful throughout our journey of becoming like Christ and revealing to us greater depths of the Person who gives us this joy. We’ve designed this study to help you discover the good and glor… Read more…

Ephesians: Heaven’s Riches 12-week Study Guide

Ephesians: Heaven’s Riches 12-week Study Guide

by Brian Simmons

God is good to give the Holy Spirit’s riches to those who ask with sincere hunger for more. Ephesians is a Spirit-anointed, grace-drenched letter of living revelation that’s waiting to satisfy your soul’s every need! It is the very constitution of our faith, the great summary description of all that is precious and esteemed in Christian doctrine and Ch… Read more…

Galatians: Heaven’s Freedom 10-week Study Guide

Galatians: Heaven’s Freedom 10-week Study Guide

by Brian Simmons

If you are searching for true freedom—from sin, from shame and guilt, from death itself—then look no further than Galatians! In it we find the revelation–truth of God’s “grace gospel,” which proclaims heaven’s freedom for every believer—freedom to soar higher than religious laws and freedom that places us at the right hand of God’s throne a… Read more…

(Number of titles: 708)