Church History - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Church History

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Selected Sermons (Foreword by Jared C. Wilson)

Selected Sermons (Foreword by Jared C. Wilson)

by Lemuel Haynes

The Crossway Short Classics Series Presents Rare Sermons from Black Puritan Minister Lemuel Haynes Born in 1753, Lemuel Haynes was an indentured servant who grew to become a dynamic Reformed preacher. Nicknamed "The Black Puritan," he is credited as being t… Read more…

Hitler's Cross: How the Cross Was Used to Promote the Nazi Agenda

Hitler's Cross: How the Cross Was Used to Promote the Nazi Agenda

by Erwin W. Lutzer

Narrated by Francis Doyle

The story of Nazi Germany is one of conflict between two saviors and two crosses. “Deine Reich komme,” Hitler prayed publicly—“Thy Kingdom come.” But to whose kingdom was he referring?When Germany truly needed a savior, Adolf Hitler falsely assumed the role. He directed his countrymen to a cross, but he bent and hammered the … Read more…

Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith: Reading God's Word for God's People

Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith: Reading God's Word for God's People

by Todd R Hains

Martin Luther considered the reading of God's word to be his primary task as a theologian, a pastor, and a Christian. Though he is often portrayed as reading the Bible with a bare approach of sola Scriptura—without any concern for previous generations’ interpretation—the truth is more complicated. In this New Explorations in Theology (NET) volume, … Read more…

Daughters of the Church: Women and ministry from New Testament times to the present

Daughters of the Church: Women and ministry from New Testament times to the present

by Walter L. Liefeld and Ruth A. Tucker

Narrated by Norma Butikofer

Rich in historical events and colorfully written, this fascinating account of women in the church spans nearly two thousand years of church history.The very fact that listeners may find themselves surprised now and again by the prominent role of women in certain events and movements proves an inequality that historical narrative has often been guilty of. Thi… Read more…

The Characters of Creation: The Men, Women, Creatures, and Serpent Present at the Beginning of the World

The Characters of Creation: The Men, Women, Creatures, and Serpent Present at the Beginning of the World

by Daniel Darling

Most Christians are familiar with the opening words of Genesis: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” But push beyond those iconic words, and sometimes the details get a little hazy. And strange. God walked around in a garden? Eve was made from Adam’s rib? A talking serpent? And what the in the world were the “N… Read more…

Two Books of Homilies: Appointed to Be Read in Churches

Two Books of Homilies: Appointed to Be Read in Churches

by Thomas Cranmer

Narrated by Wayne Evans

Compiled with the intent to improve the preaching standards in churches at the time and to increase pastoral understanding of Christianity, Homilies is a comprehensive overview of Christian theology, the history and impact of the Reformation, and daily applications of faith and doctrine.  The sermons included here dive into the issues and questions of s… Read more…

Historical Foundations of Worship (Worship Foundations): Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Perspectives

Historical Foundations of Worship (Worship Foundations): Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Perspectives

by Mark A Lamport and Melanie C Ross

This volume brings together an ecumenical team of scholars to offer a historical overview of how worship developed. The book first orients readers to the common core elements the global church shares in the history and development of worship theology and historical practice. It then introduces the major streams of worship practice: Catholic, Orthodox, and Pr… Read more…

Following God Fully: An Introduction to the Puritans

Following God Fully: An Introduction to the Puritans

by Joel R. Beeke and Michael Reeves

Who are the Puritans? Why are they important for me today? If you have asked questions like these and still await adequate answers, this book is for you. Following God Fully provides a basic introduction to the Puritans that reveals a people intent on pursuing God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strengt… Read more…

Calvinism for a Secular Age: A Twenty-First-Century Reading of Abraham Kuyper's Stone Lectures

Calvinism for a Secular Age: A Twenty-First-Century Reading of Abraham Kuyper's Stone Lectures

by Jessica R Joustra and Robert J Joustra

Abraham Kuyper, the Dutch Neo-Calvinist theologian, pastor, and politician, was well-known for having declared that there is "not a square inch" of human existence over which Jesus Christ is not its sovereign Lord. This principle is perhaps best reflected in Kuyper's writings on Calvinism originally delivered as the Stone Lectures in 1898 at Princeton Th… Read more…

Eastern Christianity: A Reader

Eastern Christianity: A Reader

by J. Edward Walters

English translations of Syriac, Armenian, Georgian, Arabic, Coptic, and Ethiopic Christian texts from late antiquity to the early modern period In order to make the writings of Eastern Christianity more widely accessible this volume offers a collection of significant texts from various Eastern Christian traditions, many of which are appearing in English… Read more…

Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden

Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden

by Thomas Nelson

In Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden you can read for yourself many of the manuscripts which were excluded from canonized Scripture and discover new appreciation for those which were chosen.Though apocryphal in nature--many of them suppressed by the early Church Fathers--these forgotten books, gospels, testaments, and epistles are fasci… Read more…

Approaching the Almighty: 100 Prayers of A. W. Tozer

Approaching the Almighty: 100 Prayers of A. W. Tozer

by A. W. Tozer

Discover the never-before-published prayers of A. W. Tozer as he opens his sermons.Is there a holier moment than when a preacher steps into the pulpit and opens the Scriptures before the people of the Lord? A. W. Tozer certainly understood the gravity and sanctity of that moment. His pulpit prayers reflect the holy awe that he experienced as he stood befo… Read more…

(Number of titles: 372)