Resources by Lowell Bliss - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by Lowell Bliss

For the Olive Tree Bible App

People, Trees, and Poverty: A Snapshot of Environmental Missions

People, Trees, and Poverty: A Snapshot of Environmental Missions

by Lowell Bliss

With climate change and the environment making headlines on an almost-daily basis, followers of Christ can find themselves asking, “What’s my role in this? What’s my responsibility? And how does it relate to the Great Commission?” People, Trees & Poverty shares a high-level overview, a snapshot, of what it looks like to reach the unreached throug… Read more…

Environmental Missions: Planting Churches and Trees

Environmental Missions: Planting Churches and Trees

by Lowell Bliss

Environmental Missions defines an emerging category in missions, one that takes seriously both the mandate to evangelize the world and the responsibility of caring for God’s good earth. Lowell Bliss was a traditional church planting missionary in India when his best Hindu friend there died of malaria. This was just one of the events that led him to reexami… Read more…