Titles For Women - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Titles For Women

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Courageous Kindness: Live the Simple Difference Right Where You Are

Courageous Kindness: Live the Simple Difference Right Where You Are

by Becky Keife and ( in)courage

In the face of the world's problems, kindness may seem like a long-lost virtue without enough power to make an impact. Yet we are called to show courageous kindness to those around us--even those we don't agree with--just as God has shown us kindness beyond measure. How we treat people matters! Every small kindness we show has the potential to create… Read more…

Wonderfully Made: Discover the Identity, Love, and Worth You Were Created For

Wonderfully Made: Discover the Identity, Love, and Worth You Were Created For

by Allie Marie Smith

Narrated by Dana Weddle

Finding your true value and purpose begins with a simple but profound truth: you have been wonderfully made.Do you ever question your worth or wonder what on earth you’re here for? The everyday pressures and struggles women of all ages face and the feeling of not measuring up can be overwhelming.You might be left wondering: Is this all there is? A c… Read more…

Right Kind of Confident: The Remarkable Grit of a God-Fearing Woman

Right Kind of Confident: The Remarkable Grit of a God-Fearing Woman

by Mary A. Kassian

Narrated by Mary Kassian

Read by the author.What if we stopped placing our confidence in the things of this world—and instead put our trust in the only one who is truly trustworthy?We have a confidence problem.Be honest: Who among us isn’t plagued with fears, insecurities, and self-doubt?Popular wisdom says the solution is to simply believe more strongly in ourselves. Bu… Read more…

Right Kind of Confident: The Remarkable Grit of a God-Fearing Woman

Right Kind of Confident: The Remarkable Grit of a God-Fearing Woman

by Mary A. Kassian

What if we stopped placing our confidence in the things of this world—and instead put our trust in the only one who is truly trustworthy?As you begin to apply each chapter’s material, you’ll discoverthe true meaning of confidence,the difference between negative fear and positive fear, andhow to turn the Enemy’s tool of fear on its hea… Read more…

Hard Good: Audio Bible Studies: Showing Up When You Want to Shut Down

Hard Good: Audio Bible Studies: Showing Up When You Want to Shut Down

by Lisa Whittle

Narrated by Lisa Whittle

Lisa Whittle will inspire you to see the hardships in your own life as opportunities to discover your purpose in God's perfect plan."In this world you will have trouble," Jesus says to his disciples in John's Gospel. It's not an if statement, but a when statement. Hard times come in this life, and some of us may even wonder how God's plan cou… Read more…

Jesus Everlasting: Leaning on Our Counselor, Defender, Father, and Friend

Jesus Everlasting: Leaning on Our Counselor, Defender, Father, and Friend

by Wendy Pope

From the bestselling author of Wait and See,this interactive book explores the powerful conversations Jesus had with five women—Mary Magdalene, Mary and Martha, the woman caught in adultery, and the woman at the well—reminding readers that Jesus is with them always. When stress and fear feel overwhelming, women want to know that they are not alon… Read more…

Unplanned Grace: A Compassionate Conversation on Life and Choice

Unplanned Grace: A Compassionate Conversation on Life and Choice

by Brittany Smith, Natasha Smth and Natasha Smith

When a women receives an unexpected positive pregnancy test, abortion often seems like the best or only option for a fulfilling future.  Unplanned Grace beautifully challenges that myth, equipping readers to support abortion-vulnerable women with love that values life in every way. Writing for the nonprofit organization Save the Storks, Natasha and Brit… Read more…

Girl, Hush Your Heart: Prayers for a Tranquil Spirit

Girl, Hush Your Heart: Prayers for a Tranquil Spirit

by Valorie Quesenberry

Ever feel overwhelmed by life?Girl, it's time to hush your heart. . . This lovely prayer collection is designed for those moments when you feel overwhelmed by life—all the tired moments, the stressed-out moments, the fear-filled moments, the tearful moments, and more. Dozens of practical and encouraging prayers, complemented by related scripture se… Read more…

Hope Anyway: Welcoming Possibility in Ourselves, God, and Each Other

Hope Anyway: Welcoming Possibility in Ourselves, God, and Each Other

by Leeana Tankersley

When we are in the darkness--whatever that is in our own particular story--the temptation is to believe that it's over, it's always going to feel this way, we will never be anywhere else or feel anything other than we do now. We fear the darkness, and for good reason. But it is in the darkness that new life begins.With an openhanded spirit and openhe… Read more…

Set Free to Live Free: Breaking Through the 7 Lies Women Tell Themselves

Set Free to Live Free: Breaking Through the 7 Lies Women Tell Themselves

by Saundra MD Dalton-Smith

Imagine life with unlimited possibility, where fear, misconceptions, and insecurities don't have the power to rob us of our potential or our dreams. In Set Free to Live Free, Saundra Dalton-Smith shows women how to break free from seven mental ties that hold them back, including striving for perfection, comparing themselves to others, all-or-nothing atti… Read more…

Praying Through Cancer: A 90-Day Devotional for Women

Praying Through Cancer: A 90-Day Devotional for Women

by Susan Sorensen and Laura Geist

Traumatized and terrified of cancer? Whether you or a family member is battling the disease, this beautiful, updated edition of the trusted, encouraging 90-day devotional will comfort and strengthen you. Written by women who have faced cancer themselves, this book reminds you that you are not alone and will help set your heart free from fear.When you hear th… Read more…

When Making Others Happy Is Making You Miserable: How to Break the Pattern of People Pleasing and Confidently Live Your Life

When Making Others Happy Is Making You Miserable: How to Break the Pattern of People Pleasing and Confidently Live Your Life

by Karen Ehman

Are you overwhelmed by others' unrealistic expectations of you? Do you feel torn in dozens of directions as you try to make everyone around you happy? If you're ready to end the cycle of approval seeking, New York Times bestselling author and recovering people pleaser Karen Ehman is here to help! When Making Others Happy Is Making You Miserable share… Read more…

(Number of titles: 1006)