
Olive Tree Staff

Eight Questions

This article contains answers from Brian Simmons, lead Translator of The Passion Translation 1. Why so many differing viewpoints on the book of Revelation? Most people will be surprised to learn that there are numerous interpretations on the book of Revelation. But the book is known as apocalyptic literature, which…

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Kingdom Mindset

What does it mean to think and act like a Christian? The key is to have a Kingdom Mindset – a way of thinking that recognizes God’s hand on your life. When we pattern our lives from the following verses in Philippians, we encounter the peace of God and the…

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Sons of Sceva

In the book of Acts, many challenged the authority of God in different ways. While Paul was in Ephesus, the seven sons of Sceva, a group of magicians, mistakenly believed that if they emulated what Paul said, they could do what Paul did. In a world where there were too…

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Saul King of Israel

In First Samuel, we see Israel transition from a system of Judges to a monarchy. Although the narrative does give us a close-up view of what got the nation to this point, it’s helpful to zoom out and examine the factors at play. Why would Israel prefer a system like…

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Effective Ministry

In the Gospels, Jesus takes twelve men and puts them through a spiritual bootcamp, preparing them to continue his ministry in an effective and balanced way. With the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus invites his disciples to partake in the work of ministry. Sometimes in our efforts today, it…

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all who are weary

There are so many things today that bombard our senses, demand our attention, and compete for our emotions. As we continue to exist in a world so bent on desensitizing us, maybe your day feels more like a survival mission. 2000 years ago, Jesus brought us a solution to our…

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