The revelation of the Divine Name (יהוה; YHWH or Yahweh) occurs in the context of the call of Moses. Interestingly, God reveals his name in an answer to an objection raised by Moses. Moses is reluctant to be the rescuer of the Israelites enslaved in Egypt. Let’s learn more about…

What is God’s omniscience? God’s omniscience is a way of speaking about God’s knowledge. The biblical authors describe God’s knowledge as exhaustive. He knows everything that can be known, everything there is to know. This knowledge is a comfort to the biblical authors and to those who commented on Scripture…

One of the humbling truths of Christianity is that we cannot approach God on our own. Ever since our ancestors were barred from the garden by a flaming sword and cherubim, our access to the divine presence must be mediated by another. But this raises another question, who is a…

One of the notable features of the structure of the Bible is that it ends where it begins. The story of the Bible is bookended by references to trees and rivers (and a lot of other things!). Let’s focus on this feature by looking specifically at the tree of life.…

What can we learn from Paul’s emotional and relational appeal to the churches in Galatia? Here’s how Scot McKnight poses the question in his commentary on Galatians in the NIV Application Commentary. “What can we learn about pastoring, or caring for the spiritual welfare of others, from Paul’s own example?”…

Luke records Jesus’ first sermon in his hometown of Nazareth in 4:14­­–30. While Jesus clearly taught in the surrounding area to much acclaim, the response of those in his hometown was different. His words initially sparked amazement, but that amazement soon turned into a murderous rage. What did he say…

One of the fascinating things about the prophets is not just that they spoke Yahweh’s message to his people, but that they also were the message. Through various actions they performed, they symbolized and communicated the message Yahweh wanted his people to hear. One such occasion occurred during the ministry…

Did you know that both the book of Genesis and the Gospel of John start with the same three words? They both start with “In the beginning . . .” I recently started a Bible reading plan by reading Genesis and the Gospel of John. This made the parallels between…