Names of the Holy Spirit - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Names of the Holy Spirit

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Names of the Holy Spirit
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Names of the Holy Spirit

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Names of the Holy Spirit
Publisher: Rose Publishing


There are many names for the Holy Spirit in the Bible that help us understand the power and work of God in people's lives. In the Names of the Holy Spirit are 20 names of the Holy Spirit, including Comforter, Counselor, Spirit of Freedom, the Spirit of the Highest, the Spirit of Might, and many more.

There are many misunderstandings about the Holy Spirit. Some people think of the Holy Spirit as an impersonal force, a common bond of love, or as "mind," "intellect," or "will." But the Bible tells us much more: The Holy Spirit is a Person who plays an important role in our lives. This resource shows the significance of each of these names and titles in Scripture.

ISBN: 9781596365513

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