Beauty and Glory of the Holy Spirit - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Beauty and Glory of the Holy Spirit

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Beauty and Glory of the Holy Spirit
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Beauty and Glory of the Holy Spirit

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Beauty and Glory of the Holy Spirit
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Author: Joel R. Beeke


The essays in The Beauty and Glory of the Holy Spirit both exalt and revel in the third person of the Trinity. Through an assortment of studies - categorized according to their biblical, doctrinal, historical, or pastoral focus - this book sets before readers the inestimable ministry of the blessed Holy Spirit. Contributors include David Murray, Geoffrey Thomas, John Thackway, Malcolm Watts, Gerald Bilkes, Michael Barrett, John Carrick, George Knight, Morton Smith, Ian Hamilton, William Shishko, William VanDoodewaard, Joel R. Beeke, Joseph Morecraft, Ryan McGraw, and Joseph Pipa.

"What a rich compilation of studies is gathered together in this volume! The doctrine of the Holy Spirit is set before us in all its grandeur from biblical, doctrinal, historical, and pastoral perspectives, giving us a theological feast that is both attractive and satisfying. In these days in which the Spirit's ministry in the church is identified either with extraordinary phenomena or emotional experiences, this book guides us to a biblical understanding of the Spirit as the one who exalts the Incarnate Word through the written Word, and applies redemption to those for whom Christ dies. Enjoy the banquet." - Iain D. Campbell, pastor of the Free Church of Scotland in Point on the Isle of Lewis, Scotland
ISBN: 9781601782588

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