Redeeming Transcendence in the Arts: Bearing Witness to the Triune God - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Redeeming Transcendence in the Arts: Bearing Witness to the Triune God

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Redeeming Transcendence in the Arts: Bearing Witness to the Triune God
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Redeeming Transcendence in the Arts: Bearing Witness to the Triune God

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Redeeming Transcendence in the Arts: Bearing Witness to the Triune God
Publisher: Eerdmans
Author: Jeremy Begbie


How can the arts witness to the transcendence of the Christian God? 

Many people believe that there is something transcendent about the arts, that they can awaken a profound sense of awe, wonder, and mystery, of something “beyond” this world—even for those who may have no use for conventional forms of Christianity. In this book Jeremy Begbie—a leading voice on theology and the arts—employs a biblical, Trinitarian imagination to show how Christian involvement in the arts can be shaped by the distinctive vision of God’s transcendence opened up in and through Jesus Christ.

ISBN: 9781467449397

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