Embracing the Body: Finding God in Our Flesh and Bone - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Embracing the Body: Finding God in Our Flesh and Bone

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Embracing the Body: Finding God in Our Flesh and Bone
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iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows running app version 7.10 and above, or Mac app version 6.10 and above.

Embracing the Body: Finding God in Our Flesh and Bone

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Embracing the Body: Finding God in Our Flesh and Bone
Publisher: IVP Formatio
Author: Tara M Owens


  • Foreword Reviews' 18th Annual INDIEFAB Book of the Year for Body, Mind and Spirit
  • 2015 Readers' Choice Awards Honorable Mention

Our bodies teach us about God, and God communicates to us through our bodies. Our bodies are more good than we can possibly imagine them to be. And yet at times we may struggle with feelings of shame and guilt or even pride in regard to our bodies. What is God trying to do through our skin and bones?In Embracing the Body spiritual director Tara Owens invites you to listen to your thoughts about your body in a way that draws you closer to God, calling you to explore how your spirituality is intimately tied to your physicality. Using exercises for reflection at the end of each chapter, she guides you to see your body not as an inconvenience but as a place where you can meet the Holy in a new way—a place to embrace God's glorious intention.

ISBN: 9780830896790

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