MacArthur New Testament Commentary (33 Vols.)
MacArthur New Testament Commentary (33 Vols.)
Title: MacArthur New Testament Commentary (33 Vols.)
Publisher: Moody Publishers
What's Included
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Mark 1-8
John MacArthur
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Mark 9-16
John F. MacArthur
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Luke 1-5
John F. MacArthur
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Luke 6-10
John F. MacArthur
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John 1-11
John F. MacArthur
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Acts 1-12
John F. MacArthur
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John F. MacArthur
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John F. MacArthur
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1 Timothy
John F. MacArthur
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2 Timothy
John F. MacArthur
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John F. MacArthur
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John F. MacArthur
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John F. MacArthur
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1 Peter
John F. MacArthur
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1-3 John
John MacArthur
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The MacArthur New Testament Commentary series continues to be one of today's top-selling commentary series. These commentaries from respected Bible scholar and preacher John MacArthur give a verse-by-verse analysis in context and provide points of application for passages, illuminating the biblical text in practical and relevant ways.
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