Studying theology is like entering into a conversation that has existed for over two thousand years. Crucial to understanding that conversation is a familiarity with the language and theologians over the last twenty centuries. This dictionary of over 300 entries is a helpful tool to those just learning theology, and can be a valuable, concise resource for those who have studied theology for many years.
- English theological terms: from accommodation to wrath of God
- Foreign theological terms, from a posteriori to via media
- Theological movements and traditions, from the Alexandrian School to Wesleyanism
- Important theologians, from Anselm of Canterbury to Ulrich Zwingli
Text Sample
Zwingli, Ulrich (1484-1531). The leader of the Swiss Reformation, Zwingli is often numbered with Luther and Calvin as one of the most influential Protestant Reformers. A strict adherent to the biblical text, Zwingli rejected Luther's position of consubstantiation in regard to the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, arguing instead for a memorialist view. Zwingli inspired but later broke with the developing Anabaptist movement.