Every name of a person or place in the Bible has a meaning. Names are so important that God changed the names of Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, and Jacob to Israel. Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter. Saul (which means "demanded") became Paul (which means "little"). In many cases, the meaning of the name of a person in the Bible reflects the actions and character of that person. The names in this dictionary are taken from the King James Version and the New International Version. Whenever those versions differ in the name, the King James spelling is listed first.
- Every Biblical name and its various shades of Greek or Hebrew meanings
- The nearly 40 self-revealing names for God
- The 275 descriptive titles for Jesus
- The 100 scriptural designations for Christians
Text Sample
Jacob (ja'-cub) = He will supplant; he that supplants; he that follows after; a heeler; one who trips up; takes hold by the hand; supplanter; a detainer.
Israel (iz'-ra-el) = He will be a prince with God; prince with God; contender of God; he strives with God; soldier of God; God will rule; God ruled man; ruling with God; one that prevails with God.
Judson Cornwall has been in active ministry for nearly 70 years. He has traveled the globe as a guest lecturer and speaker at Bible schools and churches and has authored over 45 books.
Stelman Smith has been ministering since 1969 as a police chaplain, counselor, pastor and evangelist. He has retired from the police department and is now an active Bible teacher and author.
Note: In its printed and electronic form, this resource does not include verse references for the names of the Bible. However, using the search feature on a Bible from Olive Tree would quickly bring up all references to that Biblical name, a feature not available in the printed form.