Dake's Study Notes are the same notes found in Dake's Annotated Reference Bible. Written by Rev. Finis Jennings Dake (1902-1987) and first published in 1963, it is a monumental achievement, the product of over 100,000 hours of Bible study over 43 years. It includes over 35,000 notes and comments (more than any other study Bible), over 500,000 cross-references in the notes, summaries of interesting facts for each book.
Thousands of passages are amplified. Obscure readings are made clear. Ancient customs are explained, along with matters of history, culture and geography. Greek and Hebrew words and idioms are handled. In addition, parables, types, symbols, allegories and figures of speech are dealt with. Dispensational issues are treated in a systematic fashion, along with hundreds of details of biblical prophecy.