Throughout the Bible, God bears a diverse range of names to reveal himself to his people. The sheer number of descriptors and titles for God show their inability to fully express God’s essential nature, yet even these serve as tools to draw nearer into his character, his purposes, and relationship with him.
The Names of God Dictionary presents the most significant divine names found in the Bible. Organized for easy navigation, this resource groups names by the Old and New Testaments as well as by types of names and each Person of the Trinity. Detailed exposition of each name covers the original meanings in Hebrew and Greek, relevant cultural context, and cross-references within Scripture.
Step into a deeper connection with God’s power, character, and presence through his names such as:
- Adonai
- YHWH Sabbaoth
- Everlasting
- Majestic
- Portion
- Shepherd
- King
- Lord
- Almighty
- Most High
- Messiah
- Lamb
- Paraklete