About the series:
What distinguishes the Baylor Handbooks on the Greek New Testament from other available resources is the detailed and comprehensive attention paid to the Greek text of the New Testament. Each handbook provides a convenient reference tool that explains the syntax of the biblical text, offers guidance for deciding between competing semantic analyses, deals with text-critical questions that have a significant bearing on how the text is understood, and addresses questions relating to the Greek text that are frequently overlooked or ignored by standard commentaries, all in a succinct and accessible manner.
"Scholars as well as students should hail, and avail themselves of, this series."—John H. Elliot, University of San Francisco, Review of Biblical Literature
"For forty years we have been in need of an up-to-date analysis of the grammar and syntax of 1 Peter, and Dubis provides just that. Seminary students will rise up and call this book blessed for a generation. In addition, there’s a rich and surprising interpretive history that is unfolded in this slim, packed volume."—Scot McKnight, Karl A. Olsson Professor in Religious Studies, North Park University
"This handbook on 1 Peter deserves comparison with the best of the recent commentaries on that epistle. Mark Dubis has provided students with the tools for evaluating and comparing the exegetical commentaries on which they must rely and will keep commentators honest by reminding them, line by line, of the actual wording and structure of the text."—Ramsey Michaels, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies, Southwest Missouri State University
Mark Dubis is Professor of Christian Studies in the School of Christian Studies at Union University. He lives in Jackson, Tennessee.