Resources by Timothy Keller - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by Timothy Keller

For the Olive Tree Bible App

El significado del matrimonio: 365 devocionales para parejas

El significado del matrimonio: 365 devocionales para parejas

by Timothy Keller and Kathy Keller

De los autores más vendidos del New York Times, Timothy Keller y Kathy Keller, llega un devocional diario maravillosamente empaquetado que nos lleva a un viaje de un año para descubrir el significado del matrimonio. El matrimonio es la relación humana más profunda que existe. Conocer y amar a nuestro cónyuge es una de las cosas más gr… Read more…

Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference

Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference

by Timothy Keller, Thomas Nelson, John D Inazu and John Inazu

Narrated by Nan Gurley and Robert Kiefer

How can Christians today interact with those around them in a way that shows respect to those whose beliefs are radically different but that also remains faithful to the gospel? Join bestselling author Timothy Keller and legal scholar John Inazu as they bring together illuminating stories to answer this vital question.In Uncommon Ground, Keller and Inaz… Read more…

Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference

Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference

by Timothy Keller, Thomas Nelson, John D Inazu and John Inazu

How can Christians today interact with those around them in a way that shows respect to those whose beliefs are radically different but that also remains faithful to the gospel? Join bestselling author Timothy Keller and legal scholar John Inazu as they bring together illuminating stories to answer this vital question.In Uncommon Ground, Keller and Inazu bri… Read more…

Christ Has Set Us Free: Preaching and Teaching Galatians

Christ Has Set Us Free: Preaching and Teaching Galatians

by D. A. Carson, John Piper, Timothy J. Keller, Thabiti M. Anyabwile, Timothy Keller, Thomas R. Schreiner, Gerald Bray, Sinclair B. Ferguson, Peter Adam, Sanders L. Wilson and Jeff RobinsonSr

How can a sinful human stand before a holy God?  The New Testament book of Galatians deals with this question—a question that stands at the heart of the gospel. In  Christ Has Set Us Free, nine seasoned Bible teachers walk th… Read more…

Faithful Endurance: The Joy of Shepherding People for a Lifetime

Faithful Endurance: The Joy of Shepherding People for a Lifetime

by Collin Hansen, Timothy J. Keller, John Starke, Dave Harvey, Timothy Keller, Bryan Chapell, Dan Doriani, Juan R Sanchez, Jeff RobinsonSr, Mark McCullough, Scott Patty, Tom Ascol and Brandon Shields

"This book will prove to be a spiritual tonic for pastors." —Thomas R. Schreiner This book offers pastors examples of long-term faithfulness in ministry and practical wisdom from veteran pastors for real-life issues. … Read more…

Toda buena obra: Conectando tu trabajo con el de Dios

Toda buena obra: Conectando tu trabajo con el de Dios

by Timothy Keller

¿Consideras un desafío el ser cristiano en un lugar de trabajo competitivo? ¡Descubre como disfrutar tu profesión sin tener que sacrificar tu alma! Animándote a estar firme en tu fe en los espacios de trabajo que quieren “ganar a todo costo”, Keller te ayuda a llevar tus creencias de la iglesia al trabajo, a mantenerte… Read more…

Meaning of Marriage: Audio Bible Studies: A Vision for Married and Single People

Meaning of Marriage: Audio Bible Studies: A Vision for Married and Single People

by Timothy Keller and Kathy Keller

Narrated by Lloyd James and Marguerite Gavin

Timothy and Kathy Keller will show you a portrait of marriage as it's meant to be according to the first throwing out most of what we've been taught about love.Modern culture would have you believe that everyone has a soul mate; that romance is the most important part of a successful marriage; that marriage does not mean 'til death do … Read more…

Stay in the City: How Christian Faith Is Flourishing in an Urban World

Stay in the City: How Christian Faith Is Flourishing in an Urban World

by Timothy Keller, Mark R Gornik, Maria Liu Wong and Peter and Miriam Yvette Acevedo

We live in an urban age. To a degree unprecedented in human history, most of the world's people live in cities. It is thus vital, say Mark Gornik and Maria Liu Wong, for Christians to think constructively about how to live out their faith in an urban setting. In Stay in the City Gornik and Liu Wong look at what is happening in the urban church&… Read more…

La Navidad oculta: La sorprendente verdad detrás del nacimiento de Cristo

La Navidad oculta: La sorprendente verdad detrás del nacimiento de Cristo

by Timothy Keller

Aun las personas que no practican el cristianismo piensan que conocen la historia del nacimiento. Cada exhibición navideña muestra a Jesús durmiendo en un pesebre decorando céspedes y jardines y hay canciones sobre ángeles y pastores que llenan la atmósfera. Pero a pesar de la abundancia de estas referencias cristianas en … Read more…

Una fe lógica: Usando la razón para creer en Dios

Una fe lógica: Usando la razón para creer en Dios

by Timothy Keller

VIVIMOS EN UNA ÉPOCA en que se valora la razón empírica, la evolución del progreso humano y el derecho de todos a elegir su más auténtica expresión del sentido de la vida, de propósito y de gozo. Entonces, ¿tiene sentido la noción de un Dios o de un poder superior? ¿La fe y la religi&oacu… Read more…

The God Guarantee: Finding Freedom from the Fear of Not Having Enough

The God Guarantee: Finding Freedom from the Fear of Not Having Enough

by Timothy Keller and Jack Alexander

"Not enough" is the theme of our day. Fear, scarcity, and inequality dominate the media cycle and are constant companions in our culture. While 74 percent of Americans believe in God, we can feel our world changing in ways that simply seem out of control. We want to cling to a sovereign and loving God who tells us repeatedly in Scripture to "fear not," yet i… Read more…

La Predicación: Compartir la fe en tiempos de escepticismo

La Predicación: Compartir la fe en tiempos de escepticismo

by Timothy Keller

Timothy Keller, pastor y autor de títulos exitosos del New York Times, comparte su sabiduría sobre cómo comunicar la fe cristiana desde el púlpito y también en una cafetería. Casi todos los cristianos —incluyendo a los pastores— tienen dificultad para comunicar su fe de una manera que aplique el poder del… Read more…

(Number of titles: 73)