Fear to Courage - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Fear to Courage

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Fear to Courage
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Fear to Courage

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Fear to Courage
Publisher: Rose Publishing
Author: Publishing Rose


Do you know what its like to walk on eggshells around someone out of fear? Fear is crippling, but you dont have to be a slave to fear any longer. As a people-pleaser, you might have stayed in a relationship or withstood abuse from someone to side-step conflict, but you can be freed from people who bring fear into your life. This booklet will help you define the root of your fear, whether its sexual abuse or something else thats just as damaging, and help you move past it to healing and wholeness.

Kim Vastine tells her powerful story of entrapment as a child with a sexually abusive uncle and a physically abusive father. She shares what her deepest struggles were as a little girl, wanting to blame herself because she didnt say no to either abuser and feeling the pressure to be perfect. Neither avenue lead to wholeness; it wasnt until Kim developed her Godly fear of the Lord that she found hope and healing.

Sharon Kay Balls Steps to Freedom section prepares women for the trauma they will uncover when thinking back to memories of abuse. She gives women steps to forgiveness to ultimately turn their fears into what makes them courageous.

Fear to Courage will bring you hope and wholeness. It will speak to your heart and will strengthen your faith. It includes questions and Scripture passages along with space to journal.

Look for all 12 of the Freedom Series ebooks These ebooks are for women who need Gods restoration and wholeness after the hurt and destruction of divorce, rape, paralyzing fear, abandonment, abuse, illicit affairs, and other tragedies.

ISBN: 9781596367616

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