Great Connections - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Great Connections

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Great Connections
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Great Connections

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Great Connections
Publisher: Adoration Publishing
Author: Larry D. Ellis


In Great Connections: Loving with Limits, the reader will learn how to develop relationships that balance our connection with others while living independent lives not controlled by others. The author presents fascinating case studies and analyzes a number of biblical characters who demonstrate either healthy or dysfunctional behaviors. You will discover many Bible characters who established clear personal boundaries and lived by them. From a decidedly Christian worldview, the author looks to meaningful tools of psychology and important teachings from the Scriptures that explain how to make wise choices and enjoy connected relationships.


"While we all desire loving and healthy family relationships, we must also acknowledge that these fragile bonds can be marred with control and boundary issues. Great Connections: Loving with Limits is a must-read, not only for those who struggle with dysfunctional connections, but also those with friends and loved ones who are affected by the consequences. Accessible, with interesting case studies and presented with a Christian worldview, Great Connections will leave the reader with a better understanding of how one can take personal responsibility to improve their own lives, as well as their individual family ties." — Laurie Cockerell, former teacher, adoption caseworker, author of a number of children's books.
Larry D. Ellis, D.W.S. has served as a Bible teacher and minster of worship and music in Baptist, Presbyterian, and Episcopal churches in Denver, Colorado for more than thirty years. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Oklahoma. He completed the Master and Eoctor of Worship Studies degrees at the Robert E. Webber Institute of Worship Studies doing research in Christian spiritual formation in the ancient church. He was ordained to the gospel ministry in 1987. He has composed more than ninety sacred musical works, and he has authored several books.
ISBN: 9780982246498

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