Interview with the Antichrist - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Interview with the Antichrist

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Interview with the Antichrist
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Interview with the Antichrist

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Interview with the Antichrist
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Author: Jeff Kinley


The story you are about to read is told from the perspective of Julien, a young journalist in close proximity to a person the Bible calls the “Beast.” Julien will give us a window into the character of the Antichrist and how our last days could unfold according to Scripture’s ultimate plot. This imagined prophetic narrative will also reveal how this coming prince may alter reality and impact humankind--and eventually transform into the most malevolent human in history.

But what can be known about this man? What does the Bible actually say about this nefarious individual? How close are we to his unveiling?

More than a suspenseful mystery, however, this speculative account will arouse your prophetic curiosity, whetting your appetite for more information, more solid biblical food on the subject. And you’ll find that in the last section of the book.

Your imagination and curiosity will soar in this raw, rugged, often shocking account of the rise of the Antichrist.

He is real, my friend. And he is coming.

ISBN: 9780785229841

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