


Commentaries in the Olive Tree Bible App

Commentaries — there are endless possibilities! This archive contains posts on our most popular sets, giving you a look inside.

For example, in this list you’ll find posts for:

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If you’ve been around Christian circles for some time, then you’ve probably heard the saying that a person can be so heavenly minded that they are of no earthly good. However, that doesn’t seem to fit with what the Scriptures say. Not only is heavenly mindedness a good thing, it…

Sometimes it’s helpful to have a nice, succinct summary of something you’re studying. That’s why resources like the Key Word Commentary are so popular with users of the Olive Tree Bible App. The Key Word Commentary distills each chapter of the Bible (all 1189 of them!) down into ten “keys”.…

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What must ministers remember in seeking to be faithful to their calling? Here are some essential truths ministers of the gospel must never forget. We adapted this content from the newest volume in the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary, 1 Corinthians by Daniel Akin and James Merritt. Four Truths a Minister of…

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How should we understand Noah’s sacrifice after the flood? What role does it have in the aftermath of the story of the flood? Far from only being the response of a thankful man, Noah’s sacrifice has a profound effect on how God responds to his creation. Let’s take a deeper…

Have you considered the cost of following Jesus? While I’m sure most of us have, that doesn’t mean we don’t struggle at times with the total dedication discipleship of Jesus requires. Luke tells us that Jesus encountered half-hearted disciples during his own ministry. Jesus encountered these would-be disciples while on…

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As the final part of his argument for the Galatians, Paul sums up his teaching with two words, new creation. Ultimately, what matters is the new creation. Let’s look at how Douglas Moo unpacks the concept of new creation in his volume on Galatians in the Baker Exegetical Commentary on…

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Where are believers to find assurance of their ultimate deliverance and God’s just judgment of their enemies? Two things ultimately assure us of our deliverance and of God’s judgment of our enemies: his infallible word and examples from history. In his second letter, Peter assures his readers of their deliverance…

Several months ago, my oldest son ordered a wallet online. What was surprising to both of us was that the wallet arrived with a $100 bill in the billfold. However, we quickly determined that the $100 bill was a counterfeit. How did we come to that conclusion? Well, we knew…

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The revelation of the Divine Name (יהוה; YHWH or Yahweh) occurs in the context of the call of Moses. Interestingly, God reveals his name in an answer to an objection raised by Moses. Moses is reluctant to be the rescuer of the Israelites enslaved in Egypt. Let’s learn more about…

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What is God’s omniscience? God’s omniscience is a way of speaking about God’s knowledge. The biblical authors describe God’s knowledge as exhaustive. He knows everything that can be known, everything there is to know. This knowledge is a comfort to the biblical authors and to those who commented on Scripture…