
Study Bibles


Take a look inside our most popular study Bibles.

It’s amazing to me how often feasting shows up in the Gospels. The many occasions of Jesus feasting with his disciples, sinners, or religious leaders form the backdrop and the substance of many of his teachings. And feasting even provided ammunition for his enemies! Remember that Jesus told the religious…

Psalm 34 was written by David after he fled Gath while he was on the run from Saul. In this psalm he praises the Lord for delivering him from all his troubles. He also invites other God-fearers to personally experience the goodness of God themselves. Let’s learn more about how…

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Have you ever considered how we should interpret the Bible? What steps or principles should guide our approach to interpreting the word of God? We may not have developed a full-fledged approach to interpreting the Bible, but we can at least admit that interpreting the word of God is something…

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The central redemptive act of our covenant-keeping God in the Old Testament is the Passover and Exodus. Through these two separate but hardly unrelated events, God redeemed his people and judged their enemies. He gained glory over Pharoah, his army, and all the Egyptians so that they knew he is…

Jesus taught his disciples that the true condition of people’s hearts is made evident by their words and actions. He says in several places, “by their fruit you will recognize them . . . every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the unhealthy tree bears bad fruit. A good tree…

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“Sell everything you have.” The words from the one he addressed as “good teacher” hit him hard, a blow to his heartfelt desire to possess yet one more thing – eternal life. Jesus said that he’d have to give everything up, everything that gave his life significance, meaning, importance, and…

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Isaiah 40 marks a shift in the content of the prophet’s message. Gone are the woes and pronouncements of judgment. The prophet now turns to speak words of salvation. He speaks tender words of comfort to a people who’ve seen God’s justice cast them out of the land. These notes…

John’s Gospel includes seven profound statements by Jesus known as the “I am” statements. In these statements, Jesus reveals and describes his “saving relationship toward the world.” Let’s discover what we can learn about Jesus’ redemptive work from these statements with some help from notes in the NKJV MacArthur Study…

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In a previous post, we looked at the role clean and unclean foods played in establishing the holiness of God’s people. Fast forward several thousand years and we see Jesus using those same categories to teach where true defilement comes from. Let’s follow up our previous post with this look…

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How should we understand the distinction between clean and unclean creatures in the book of Leviticus? What role did this distinction have for the ancient Israelites? And how did this distinction relate to God’s holiness? Let’s learn more about this part of the Leviticus holiness code with these notes from…