
Old Testament


Old Testament

Wanting to learn more about the Old Testament? Here are some posts on topics, scholarly questions, and more on Old Testament passages. Some are our own thoughts and some are the thoughts of prominent Christian scholars.

Fear diminishes our quality of life, our ability to love, and keeps us from the freedom we gain in Christ. But how does fear affect faith? How can we move from fear to faith? Below is an excerpt from Max Lucado’s Encouraging Word Bible. Max gives you notes, short articles,…

Commentary on Ezra 7

The Hand of God is a section of commentary on Ezra from the Holman Commentary. But it isn’t just commentary. The Holman Series goes more in-depth with background and application, in a very easy -to-follow way—more than most commentaries. So check out this excerpt to see what we’re talking about!…

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the ten commandments olive tree

The Bible Knowledge Commentary is a two-set collection covering the entirety of the Bible. Inside, we found a good amount of commentary on the ten commandments and decided to share the excerpt with you! Read about what Roy B. Zuck and John Walvoord have to share on Exodus 20. Article…

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Maybe you’ve noticed it, maybe you haven’t… but God isn’t mentioned in the book of Esther. Shocking, right? Why is Esther in the Bible? Is it really the inspired Word of God if it makes no mention of Him? These questions are answered (and more) in the article below, shared…

Moses and the Law of Sacrifice in Leadership

There is undeniably sacrifice in leadership. You’re constantly called to put others before yourself! John Maxwell, Christian leadership expert, put together a study Bible that teaches you biblical leadership principles. This excerpt comes from that study Bible, and delves into the sacrifices Moses made while being in leadership. Here’s the…

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Tower of Babel

Genesis 11:4 and the story of the Tower of Babel come to life as we take time to understand the deeper cultural contexts. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves;…

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Isaiah is a very interesting book of the Bible. It’s most known for its prophetic statements of Christ. But with a good, down-to-earth commentary, you can see the book for all that it is. For instance, this Bible Speaks Today excerpt gives a fantastic overview of human schemes and God’s…

Anointing Holy Spirit Old Testament MacArthur

When did the Holy Spirit decide to anoint leaders in the Old Testament? How was this done and for what purpose? These are questions that John MacArthur addresses in this excerpt. We found this article inside MacArthur’s one-volume commentary. First, Moses is anointed by the Holy Spirit. Old Testament Israel…

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Ruth Defiance Exegetical

When Naomi tells Ruth to leave, Ruth’s defiance is blatant. She will not leave. But what are we supposed to take away from this first chapter of Ruth? Read this exegetical study from the Kregel Exegetical Library Series. And, at the end, you’ll find a resourceful “Message and Application” section.…

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Psalm 150 talks about praising God with many different kinds of instruments that you may or may not find in your own church. The NIV Application Commentary offers fantastic background to the meaning of instruments in Psalms. Read the excerpt below to learn for yourself! 3 Praise him with the sounding…