
Amplified Study Bible


Jesus taught his disciples that the true condition of people’s hearts is made evident by their words and actions. He says in several places, “by their fruit you will recognize them . . . every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the unhealthy tree bears bad fruit. A good tree…

We are all probably familiar with the stereotypical “doom and gloom” or “hellfire and brimstone” preachers. They often deliver a very one-sided view of God’s judgment, one that emphasizes God’s wrath, anger, and holiness and not his grace, mercy, and salvation. When properly understood though, God’s judgment and salvation go…

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John 3 16 meaning

You probably know John 3:16 by heart. It’s a pretty basic Bible verse, and for good reason! It’s such a beautifully concise way of summing up Christ’s mission on earth and humanity’s hope for salvation. Sometimes, we tend to gloss over verses like this one because we think we’ve learned…

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Lord's Prayer

Most of us probably know the Lord’s prayer by heart. It’s okay if you don’t, though. Because honestly, even if you have it memorized, it doesn’t mean you understand it! Walk through this quick unpacking of the most famous prayer in the Bible — the one Jesus teaches us to…

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