
ESV Expository Commentary Set


One of the fascinating things about the prophets is not just that they spoke Yahweh’s message to his people, but that they also were the message. Through various actions they performed, they symbolized and communicated the message Yahweh wanted his people to hear. One such occasion occurred during the ministry…

Have you ever wondered why head coverings, or the lack thereof, was such a big deal in the Corinthian church? We may be used to the practice of removing hats indoors or prior to praying, but what about head coverings? Let’s take a deep dive into 1 Corinthians 11:2–16 where…

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Here’s a look at some interpretive questions from the book of Ruth with some help from the ESV Expository Commentary. This is a soon-to-be twelve-volume commentary series that provides introductions, outlines, comments, and responses on every book in the Bible. Keep reading for a taste of what this succinct and…

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Joshua Theological Overview

How familiar are you with the book of Joshua? Whether you studied it briefly or are crafting a commentary of your own, this narrative continually teaches you something new. For some perspective, here is an excerpt from the introduction to Joshua from the ESV Expository Commentary (9 Vols.). We adapted…

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Being Of One Mind - Excerpt from the ESV Expository Commentary

In a world where there is so much to divide us, how do we remain united as Christians? Paul provides direction on being of one mind in his letter to the Philippians. And, the ESV Expository Commentary Set has great insight on this passage. Here are Paul’s remarks, followed by…

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