
Expositor’s Bible Commentary


Song of Songs is, to many, one of the greatest love poems ever written. It is patently a collection of ancient Hebrew love poems celebrating the experiences of a lover and his beloved as they taste the beauty, power, agony, and joys of human sexual love. Is that appropriate, however,…

WHAT IS THE EXPOSITOR’S BIBLE COMMENTARY? The Expositor’s Bible Commentary is a Gold Medallion Christian Book Award-winning resource! Scholars consider it a major contribution to the study and understanding of the Scriptures. So, unsurprisingly, this 12-volume work is a mainstay in seminary and university libraries. Without a doubt, it provides pastors…

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You may have noticed that we have two commentary sets that are nearly identical in title: Expositor’s Bible Commentary (12 Volumes) and Expositors Bible Commentary – Revised Series (13 Volumes) Having more options is good for you—if you know what they are and why they will enhance your study of…

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