
Holman Old and New Testament Commentary Set


How does Jesus challenge our fickle faith? One way he does this is by speaking hard truths. Jesus knew that some of his followers were only there for the benefits they received from following him. They were wowed by his miracles and diligently sought him only to get their “fill…

Commentary on Ezra 7

The Hand of God is a section of commentary on Ezra from the Holman Commentary. But it isn’t just commentary. The Holman Series goes more in-depth with background and application, in a very easy -to-follow way—more than most commentaries. So check out this excerpt to see what we’re talking about!…

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Spiritual Gifts in Worship

There has been, and probably always will be, a great debate over spiritual gifts and their role in the Church. Richard L. Pratt (and editor Max Anders) walk Christians through this 1 Corinthians controversy in the Holman Commentary. We’ve included an excerpt of this part of the commentary, but we…

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