
MacArthur Bible Commentary


Since there are hundreds of proverbs in the book we know as Proverbs, it can be helpful to condense or distill some of them down into a more manageable list. This can also help because often the proverbs are not arranged by topic. Instead, they are scattered throughout the book.…

Let’s take a deep dive into the section of Scripture that “provides the richest, most detailed model of giving in the NT.” We’ll do so by following the outline and notes for 2 Corinthians 8:1-9:15 in the MacArthur Bible Commentary. Paul’s Collection (8:1-9:15) 8:1–9:15 | While this section specifically deals…

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Two Thieves on the Cross

When Jesus was hanging on the cross, one dying thief demonstrated how someone can be on the brink of death and still call Christ Lord. No matter where you are in life, there’s always time to recognize Jesus’ lordship in your own life. Read the below notes from the MacArthur…

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Anointing Holy Spirit Old Testament MacArthur

When did the Holy Spirit decide to anoint leaders in the Old Testament? How was this done and for what purpose? These are questions that John MacArthur addresses in this excerpt. We found this article inside MacArthur’s one-volume commentary. First, Moses is anointed by the Holy Spirit. Old Testament Israel…

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