
New International Commentary


We all know that one attribute Yahweh uses to reveal himself is “steadfast love” (hesed, cf. Ex. 34:6–7). The term is difficult to convey in English, so translations differ on how to express it. Should it be “lovingkindness” (ASV), “steadfast love” (ESV), “mercy” (KJV), “faithfulness” (NASB), or simply “love” (NIV)?…


When studying the Word, it can be easy to lose sight of what a word, verse, chapter, or book is really about. In Deuteronomy 6, Moses instructs the people of Israel about their actions in the promised land. Within this speech, he touches on something that reveals the heart of…

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NICOT Authors

The New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament (NICOT/NICNT) is a well-loved 64-volume set. Those with limited space on their bookshelves will appreciate its availability in the app—and we are thankful for the ability to offer it! In fact, if you’re interested in how NICOT/NT works in the…

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Romans 12 Love Douglas Moo

In Romans 12, Paul gives us a lengthy list of haphazard commands. If read too quickly, you might be convinced you read a passage out of Proverbs. What is the connection between all these bits of wisdom? Is there a main motif or pattern? Douglas Moo, author of the New…

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The New International Commentary of the Old and New Testament is a rich, academic resource for studying the Bible. Published by Eerdmans, this set contains scholarship from well-known theologians. Olive Tree is proud to make this commentary available inside the app, making it incredibly easy to use. If you’re wondering…

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