
Preaching the Word Commentary Series


What do we need when all hope seems lost? When we’re exhausted and can’t seem to squeeze even an ounce of strength out of our weariness? We need the one who, unlike us, does not faint or grow weary. We need the everlasting God. Come and learn about the greatness…

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I’m sure we’ve all had those moments when we’ve questioned the seeming vanity of life under the sun. It could be the endless pursuit of ever-fleeting satisfaction. Or the mind-numbing monotony of repetitious work. If we’re being honest, I think we can say that the source of this sense of…

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I love a good mystery in any shape or form. Whether a classic novel, film, show, or game, mysteries are great at honing the skills of observation and deduction. My wife and I even recently participated in a murder mystery dinner party. While we didn’t successfully solve the crime, it…

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Eternal Christ

It takes intentionality to reflect on Christ during the busy seasons of our lives — especially the holiday season. Below, you’ll find an excerpt from the Preaching the Word Commentary on John. We’ve grabbed the section that covers John 1:1-3, a great section for meditating on the eternal Christ and…

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Preaching The Word Commentary Olive Tree Bible App

The Preaching the Word Commentary Series offers unique insight into Biblical texts from the heart of a pastor. It is noted for its commitment to biblical authority and clear exposition of Scripture. Its emphasis on application and shepherding makes it a valuable asset for sermon and class preparation, as well…

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conversation with Kent Hughes

R. Kent Hughes was in pastoral ministry for 41 years. He spent the last 27 as Senior Pastor of College Church in Wheaton, Illinois. He earned his B.A. from Whittier College, an M.Div. from Talbot Seminary and a D.Min. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Kent is the author of numerous…

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