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Your search for 'nets' returned 10 of 676 matches.

Jesus Code: 52 Scripture Questions Every Believer Should Answer

Jesus Code: 52 Scripture Questions Every Believer Should Answer

by O. S. Hawkins

Narrated by Maurice England

Jesus gets attention not with exclamation marks, but with question marks.Jesus was always asking questions. Whether with a small group or large crowd, Jesus opened hearts and minds by asking questions that grasped attention and made one think.In The Jesus Code, author O. S. Hawkins poses 52 thought-provoking questions found throughout the Bible that bel… Read more…

Mommy Time: 90 Devotions for New Moms

Mommy Time: 90 Devotions for New Moms

by Sarah Arthur

Every new mom experiences a myriad of emotions—joy, love, the frightening, yet terrific reality that you are now responsible for a tiny little dependent. And in the midst of all these emotions—and burpings, feedings, diaper changes, and quick naps—moms need to be reminded of God’s awesomeness. In this gift-like book, new mom and best-selling author S… Read more…

Why Church History Matters: An Invitation to Love and Learn from Our Past

Why Church History Matters: An Invitation to Love and Learn from Our Past

by Robert F. Rea

Does it matter how Christians in other times and places thought? If the Bible alone is God?s revelation, why spend time studying church history? Aren?t history and tradition more of a problem than a solution? For many Christians who believe the Bible is the ultimate authority for faith and life, questions about the role and value of the church's traditio… Read more…

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Gift of Love: One Woman’s Journey to Save a Life

Gift of Love: One Woman’s Journey to Save a Life

by Amy Clipston and Erin Bennett

Narrated by Erin Bennett

Their odds were 100,000 to one.Her faith was 1 in a million.In The Gift of Love, bestselling fiction author Amy Clipston shares her story of almost losing the love of her life to kidney disease and the ultimate sacrifice that kept their family together. An ordinary woman who cherishes family above all else, Amy was challenged in every way—from her strength… Read more…

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SpiritLed Promises for Spiritual Warfare: Insights from Scripture from the New Modern English Version

SpiritLed Promises for Spiritual Warfare: Insights from Scripture from the New Modern English Version

by Passio Editors

Blessed be the Lord my strength, who prepares my hands for war, and my fingers to fight. --Psalm 144:1, MEV   There is nothing that is more urgent for Christians than to grasp and understand the teachings from Scripture on spiritual warfare. We are at war with a supernatural evil spearheaded by Satan himself, and it is personal.  &#… Read more…

If You Only Knew: My Unlikely, Unavoidable Story of Becoming Free

If You Only Knew: My Unlikely, Unavoidable Story of Becoming Free

by Jamie Ivey

What if you knew all the moments of my past that I am not proud of? What if you really knew me, the messy parts that I’ve hoped to forget and worked hard to conceal? For so long, my greatest fear was what you might think of me if you only knew the whole story.   It’s exhausting, this guarding of our stories and struggles. Fear… Read more…

What's Big Starts Small: 6 Ways to Grow Great Faith

What's Big Starts Small: 6 Ways to Grow Great Faith

Of the 30 parables Jesus told, the one that gets the most space on God's sacred pages is the story about the sower, the seed, and the soil (Matthew 13). Just like a farmer isn't sowing seed to get rid of it, God never brings you into contact with his Word just to get it over with. Rather, just as a farmer wants fruit, God wants to help you to experie… Read more…

100 Devotions for the Stay-at-Home Mom

100 Devotions for the Stay-at-Home Mom

by Zondervan

Are you a stay-at-home mom? We know your tireless work serving your children, managing your home and navigating your family schedule often gets underappreciated. You need a devotional that understands what you're experiencing, affirms your value amidst the chaos and invites you to recharge through God’s Word. 100 Devotions for the Stay-at-Home Mom … Read more…

Seated with Christ: Living Freely in a Culture of Comparison

Seated with Christ: Living Freely in a Culture of Comparison

by Heather Holleman

Narrated by Holleman, Heather

As Christians find themselves trapped in the rhetoric of platform, influence, retweets, and fame, they need a ladder out of the fray.Many of us live in a prison of self-absorption. Shackled with pride and despair, we compare ourselves to others constantly in our frantic, unending pursuit of perfection. Seated with Christ gets to the root of… Read more…

Discovering Delight

Discovering Delight

by Glenda Mathes

Does the concept of loving law sound strange to you—like two things that just don’t go together? Christians today often don’t want to read about law because they would rather revel in gospel and grace. Yet the Bible clearly links law with love, a connection we see in Psalm 119. In these insightful meditations, author Glenda Mathes sheds light on this â… Read more…