
LaRosa Johnson

Moody Bible Commentary

Commentaries are a dime a dozen these days. Bible students have no shortage of commentaries to choose from. Yet, finding a good single volume Bible commentary can still prove difficult. So, when a respected name in scholarship throws their hat in the ring it’s worth taking notice. This is exactly…

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While the gospel ought to always be at the forefront of our minds, I do not deny there being something special about this time of year. The Passion Week presents us with the opportunity to look closely at the cross of Christ and to share salvation’s good news with loved…

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In a different post, we showed you why the Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible is the perfect resource for family and personal devotions. Now, I want to build on that and share a few more reasons why this is such a great resource for personal and family Church history study.…

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Easy Family Devotions

Can I be honest? When I first heard about the Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible I had mixed emotions. The entire concept of this particular study Bible was intriguing. But it wasn’t enough for me to spend money on yet another print Bible. Those mixed emotions quickly turned to ecstatic…

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Is the whole bible about Jesus

Growing up in church, I was always taught that the most important thing to remember about the Bible was the gospel. If you didn’t remember anything else, you should know that Jesus Christ died for your sins. At the time, that was great. It meant I only had to focus…

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Holy Week is a somber time of the year for me. As I look at the gospel accounts that detail the crucifixion of Jesus, I often ask myself, “What’s so good about Good Friday? Jesus died. He was brutally murdered. How can that possibly be good?” From there, I am…

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