
Olive Tree Staff

what is idolatry bible

In the Old Testament, idolatry was a frequent sin by the nation of Israel. God didn’t mince words with how much He hated it. Although it’s easy to wonder what kept Israel from quitting this sin for good, the notion of worshipping other gods might be something we actually struggle…

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how to read Song of Solomon

Song of Songs is, to many, one of the greatest love poems ever written. It is patently a collection of ancient Hebrew love poems celebrating the experiences of a lover and his beloved as they taste the beauty, power, agony, and joys of human sexual love. Is that appropriate, however,…

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what is a lament

When I was younger, I didn’t understand the concept of lament. I believed that questioning God about my traumas was sinful. He is the great and powerful King of the universe! How dare I blame him for my itty bitty problems? There are others who have it much worse, after…

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Bible translation and interpretation is a tricky business, but the Exegetical Summary Series is here to help. This tool is extremely helpful, not because it supplies commentary, but because it acts as a compilation of scholarly work, including comparisons of translation, commentary, and interpretation. Let’s look inside this useful resource!…

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trees in the Bible

One beautiful aspect of the Bible is its historicity. You can tour the ruined cities, hold ancient manuscripts, and find records of key characters, but something else ties ancient times together with today: trees. Although you won’t find Christmas trees in the Bible, many trees and plants make an appearance,…

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proverbs 31 25 woman

When I was in youth group, the boys were told to find themselves a Proverbs 31 woman and the girls were told to be a Proverbs 31 woman, and that was the end of it. This reading of the end of Proverbs isn’t necessarily wrong. In fact, I ended up…

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self discipline

There are so many things competing for our attention, money, and loyalty. Modern advertising capitalizes on our human desire to have our needs met, taking things a step further by convincing us to regularly indulge and overindulge ourselves on food and drink, sex, entertainment, and more. This mindset of “more…

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Expanded Bible Look Inside

Biblical translation is a difficult job. Behind every new or updated translation of the Bible is a team of faithful individuals representing hundreds of hours carefully agonizing about getting each word, thought, and idea across in the most coherent and respectful way they can (and inevitably catching hate for various…

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witness for christ

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”Acts 1:8, NKJV You’ve probably heard this famous verse before. Many Christian organizations and para-church ministries…

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what is inductive bible study

If you’re like me, then you have one major roadblock keeping you from studying the Bible: disorganization. Whether you’re overwhelmed by the massive amounts of Bible study tools or you just feel like there’s a more efficient way, you can use this simple framework to get the most out of…

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