


Commentaries in the Olive Tree Bible App

Commentaries — there are endless possibilities! This archive contains posts on our most popular sets, giving you a look inside.

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Paul encourages the Thessalonians about the day of the Lord by reminding them that they are in the know. He doesn’t feed unhealthy speculation but reminds them with helpful pictures of their knowledge. They are of the light not of the darkness. They are of the day not of the…

What day do you most look forward to every year? Is it a special holiday or a birthday for you, your spouse, or one of your children? While our countries and cultures each have their own days to celebrate, there is also much for us to learn from the holy…

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Every job has some sort of job description. These descriptions clarify the roles, responsibilities, and duties of the person in that position. They also guide the individual in how they are to carry out their tasks and fulfill the requirements of their given job. Did you know that the Bible…

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It’s amazing to me that with everything going on during Jesus’ last week in Jerusalem, he still took time to humbly wash his disciples’ feet. Though footwashing was common in the ancient world, there was no precedence for someone of Jesus’ stature to perform such an act of humble service.…

When we as Christians affirm the unity of the Church, what is it that we’re affirming? Or when Jesus prays for those who will believe in him through the preaching of the apostles “that they may all be one” (Jn. 17:21). How should we understand this oneness, a oneness shared…

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As the voice crying in the wilderness, John the Baptist began his ministry by calling his people to repentance. His people demonstrated this repentance by baptism, which was probably something like a ceremonial cleansing. But the teaching of John the Baptist pointed toward another baptism, to the coming one who…

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I’m sure we’ve all had those moments when we’ve questioned the seeming vanity of life under the sun. It could be the endless pursuit of ever-fleeting satisfaction. Or the mind-numbing monotony of repetitious work. If we’re being honest, I think we can say that the source of this sense of…

The opening verses of Hebrews contain some remarkable truths about Jesus, the unique Son of God. In fact, there are eight life-transforming truths we can learn about Jesus in these verses. Let’s see how these are unpacked in the Hebrews volume of the Bible Speaks Today commentary series. The Majestic…

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Following his teaching on the source of true defilement (Mark 7:1–23), Jesus enters Gentile territory and delivers a young girl from an unclean spirit at the desperate request of her mother. Let’s see how this exorcism anticipates the inclusion of the Gentiles into the saving purposes of God with these…

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The end of letters in the New Testament often contains important details about relatively unknown servants of Christ. However sparse these details may be, they help us get a glimpse of other faithful workers for Christ in these churches. What can we learn from these co-workers in the concluding remarks…