If you’re like me, you might be hesitant any time you’re offered a new way of studying the Bible. After all, you have your go-to study tools and resources. Why add another thing to your list? Here’s why – the Olive Tree Bible App includes functionality and ease-of-access that enhances your study of the Bible beyond anything you could do with a printed text. If you’re looking to step up your Bible reading and comprehension, get yourself an interlinear Bible.

What is an Interlinear Bible?

An interlinear Bible is a unique tool that allows you to read the original Hebrew or Greek alongside the English translation. In your run-of-the-mill interlinear Bible, you’ll have the Hebrew/Greek text, the translation, and the Strong’s number. While these are all helpful, it’s a pain to juggle multiple sections of a book or pull out a separate Strong’s dictionary or concordance anytime you want to learn more. But in the Olive Tree app, you can instantly look up the Hebrew or Greek word without losing your spot on the page. Here’s how:

What’s inside?

Below is the ESV Hebrew Interlinear Bible. As you can see, all the necessary elements of an interlinear Bible are included. It’s conveniently laid out and exactly what you would expect from an interlinear. The top line of Hebrew is from the Hebrew manuscript WLC. This is followed by a second line of Hebrew that breaks down the compound words into their parts to make it easier to read. At the end of each verse, the translation is given in an English syntax. In this case, you can see how the ESV lines up with the Hebrew.

Hebrew Interlinear

If you want to look into the meaning or background of a word, there are three places you can check:

  1. Tap the Hebrew word to see the Westminster Parsing and dictionary definition.
  2. Tap the Strong’s number to see the dictionary definition.
  3. Tap the English word to see the dictionary definition of the Hebrew word.
Strong's tagged interlinear

Within the box, you can conduct searches of the word within the Bible and within other Bible dictionaries. From the Hebrew word, you can also search by word form usage. (Perfect for a word study!)

Start with Hebrew or Greek

Looking for a Greek-English Interlinear? Say no more! This one utilizes the NA28 Greek text with Mounce’s parsings.

Greek-english Bible

Whether you fancy yourself a novice reader or an advanced scholar, interlinear Bibles help you stay current on your biblical languages, understand the translators’ interpretive decisions, and find connections within the text for yourself.

Ready to dive in? We have many types and translations available in our store, but here are some of our favorites:

Want to learn more about what you can do with an interlinear? Go here!

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