In today’s pluralistic society, not every approach to sharing the gospel will work with all people. Being ready to give reasons for the hope we have in Christ means understanding the contextual framework of the people we are addressing.
In the Holman QuickSource Guide to Christian Apologetics, Renaissance man Doug Powell defends the Chri… Read more…
«La Guía definitiva para defender tu fe» está llena de información práctica, recursos y ayudas visuales para ayudarlo a discutir, defender y compartir claramente su fe cristiana con los demás. Los capítulos incluyen: ¿Qué es la Apologética? ¿Existe Dios? El argumento cosmológico &iques… Read more…
After Christmas is a powerful book for unbelievers who need an introduction to the birth of Christ and its implications, and believers who need further tutoring on the same points. This book is meant to impact both groups with insight on the "so what" of Christ's birth for their lives and the world. Each chapter ends with a few simple thought-prov… Read more…
After Easter provides a brief case for the historical reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and describes the impact of His rising from the dead. Each chapter ends with a few simple thought-provoking questions for individual reflection or small group discussion. The full Gospel of John is also included, making this the perfect leave-be… Read more…