Resources by Douglas Wilson - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by Douglas Wilson

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Reforming Marriage: Gospel Living for Couples

Reforming Marriage: Gospel Living for Couples

by Douglas Wilson

How would you describe the spiritual aroma of your home? The source of this aroma is the relationship between husband and wife. Many can fake an attempt at keeping God's standards in some exterior way. What we cannot fake is the resulting, distinctive aroma of pleasure to God. This is because godly marriages proceed from obedient hearts, and the greatest… Read more…

Father Hunger: Why God Calls Men to Love and Lead Their Families

Father Hunger: Why God Calls Men to Love and Lead Their Families

by Douglas Wilson

Narrated by James Donaldson

Fatherlessness is a “rot that is eating away at the modern soul,” writes Douglas Wilson, and the problem goes far beyond physical absence. “Most of our families are starving for fathers, even if Dad is around, and there’s a huge cost to our children and our society because of it.” Father Hunger takes a thoughtful, timely, richly… Read more…

The Romantic Rationalist: God, Life, and Imagination in the Work of C. S. Lewis

The Romantic Rationalist: God, Life, and Imagination in the Work of C. S. Lewis

by Randy Alcorn, Douglas Wilson, John Piper, David Mathis, Philip Graham Ryken and Kevin J. Vanhoozer

"We are far too easily pleased." C. S. Lewis stands as one of the most influential Christians of the twentieth century. His commitment to the life of the mind and the life of the heart is evident in classics like the Chronicles of Narnia and … Read more…

Wordsmithy: Hot Tips for the Writing Life

Wordsmithy: Hot Tips for the Writing Life

by Douglas Wilson

Wordsmithy is for writers of every sort, whether experienced veterans, still just hoping, or somewhere in between. Through a series of out-of-the-ordinary lessons, each with its own takeaway points and recommended readings, Douglas Wilson provides indispensable guidance, showing how to develop the writer's craft and the kind of life from which good writi… Read more…

What I Learned in Narnia

What I Learned in Narnia

by Douglas Wilson

One rainy day, years ago, a little girl named Lucy discovered that the back of a wardrobe isn't always just the back of a wardrobe. Sometimes, it's a door into another world. In Lucy's case, that other world was called Narnia, and though she was among the first to enter it, she was by no means the last. Millions of children (yo… Read more…

Mother Kirk: Essays on Church Life

Mother Kirk: Essays on Church Life

by Douglas Wilson

Wilson presents a very practical and pastoral guide to many of the countless issues that arise in conservative Christian churches. The essays span subjects ranging from the nature of legalism and church authority to worship music, debt, youth ministry, and pastoral character. The elder questions at the end are killers; try them on. From th… Read more…

God Rest Ye Merry: Why Christmas Is the Foundation for Everything

God Rest Ye Merry: Why Christmas Is the Foundation for Everything

by Douglas Wilson

The repetition of Christmas traditions can appear to dull the powerful nature of the holiday. God Rest Ye Merry is meant to rekindle the Christian's understanding of Advent on every front, from politics to shopping to uproarious celebration. Pastor Douglas Wilson critiques false reasons for the season (and false objections to it), teac… Read more…

Heaven Misplaced: Christ's Kingdom on Earth

Heaven Misplaced: Christ's Kingdom on Earth

by Douglas Wilson

Though most Christians refrain from predicting exactly when our world will end, many believe that when earth's finale does arrive, it will be a catastrophe. They expect that before Christ comes back to reclaim His own, Satan will escape his chains and return to wreak havoc on our planet. Details vary, but the general assumption is the same: things will g… Read more…

Easy Chairs, Hard Words: Conversations on the Liberty of God

Easy Chairs, Hard Words: Conversations on the Liberty of God

by Douglas Wilson

Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens. You will say to me then, "Why still find fault? For who has resisted His will?" But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? -Romans 9:18-20a Hard words, indeed. But they remain, for all our explanations, God's words. Easy Chairs, Hard Wor… Read more…

Angels in the Architecture: A Protestant Vision for Middle Earth

Angels in the Architecture: A Protestant Vision for Middle Earth

by Douglas Wilson and Douglas M. Jones

Christianity presents a glorious vision of culture, a vision overflowing with truth, beauty, and goodness. It's a vision that stands in stark conflict with the anemic modern (and postmodern) perspectives that dominate contemporary life. Medieval Christianity began telling a beautiful story about the good life, but it was silenced in mid-sentence. The Ref… Read more…

Federal Husband

Federal Husband

by Douglas Wilson

Federal thinking is foreign to the modern mind. Federal has come to mean nothing more than centralized or big. Because your federal government has become so uncovenantal, it is not surprising that the original meaning of the word is lost. But federal thinking is the backbone of historic Protestant theology, and the Church needs to recover the covenantal unde… Read more…

Fidelity: How to Be a One-Woman Man

Fidelity: How to Be a One-Woman Man

by Douglas Wilson

Don't miss this vital book for men! The need for wisdom in sexuality from coaches to pastors to congressmen has hardly disappeared since this book was first published thirteen years ago. An integral part of the bestselling Family Series, this new revised edition includes two all-new chapters and updates throughout. Fidelity hits hard, … Read more…

(Number of titles: 16)