


An exhaustive concordance is an essential reference for thoroughly researching the individual words of the Bible. Since God inspired the very words of Scripture, it follows that as Christians we should take each word seriously as we strive to understand what God has said. An exhaustive concordance is a great…

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Did you know that both the book of Genesis and the Gospel of John start with the same three words? They both start with “In the beginning . . .” I recently started a Bible reading plan by reading Genesis and the Gospel of John. This made the parallels between…

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I was recently reading Romans and encountered a statement Paul makes about Abraham. He says, “[Abraham] received circumcision as a sign, a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised” (Rom. 4:11). Paul makes this pivotal point, that Abraham was credited with righteousness prior…

If you’ve ever tried to learn another language then you know, and maybe dread, the tall stack of vocabulary cards. Even if you only know one language, there were times you learned new words and their meanings: how to spell them, how to pronounce them, how to define them, how…

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As Christians we recognize our salvation is entirely of God from the beginning to the end (Jon. 2:9). We all affirm that salvation “is the gift of God, not by works” (Eph. 2:8–9). It is the outworking of God’s grace and not the outworking of our good deeds. Nevertheless, we…

I still remember the first purchase I made after becoming a Christian and buying a small, NKJV Pocket Bible with a snap flap—Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words. I was beginning to hunger for God’s Word and wanted to take my Bible reading and studying a…

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ESV Exhaustive Concordance

We offer quite a few concordances, so you’re probably wondering what makes the ESV Exhaustive Concordance any different? Not only do we have a video in this post, we also have a Q&A with Drayton Benner, the author. WHAT IS IT? The ESV Exhaustive Concordance contains more than 340,000 references…

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Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical & Post-Biblical Antiquity has quite a long, exact, title—just like its dictionary entries. We were seriously impressed with the depth of information provided in this resource. So much so, we want to give you a look inside. Keep reading to find out the inspiration…