Find answers to your biggest questions about the Bible and Christian faith.We all have questions about the Bible--whether we have read it or not. Join the more than half a million people who have looked to The Complete Bible Answer Book for answers about the Bible, Christian beliefs, life problems, and what God's Word says about current issues.… Read more…
Read by the author.Find answers to your biggest questions about the Bible and Christian faith.We all have questions about the Bible--whether we have read it or not. Join the more than half a million people who have looked to The Complete Bible Answer Book for answers about the Bible, Christian beliefs, life problems, and what God's Word says ab… Read more…
Christianity in Crisis: 21st Century, like its predecessor, is a book that is not as much about the Faith teachers themselves but about Faith followers who inevitably become distracted, disillusioned, and discouraged. Nearly two decades ago, Hank Hanegraaff's award-winning Christianity in Crisis alerted the world to the dangers of a cultic… Read more…
Read by the author.Answers to the most common—and most controversial—questions about creation evidences.In The Creation Answer Book, renowned Bible scholar Hank Hanegraaff brings to life the answers God has revealed about His magnificent creation—our universe, light and time, the earth and all who inhabit it. The popular Q&A format provides… Read more…
The Apocalypse Code is a call to understand what the Bible really says about the end times and why how we understand it matters so much in today’s world.Breaking the code of the book of Revelation has become an international obsession. Hank Hanegraaff, president and chairman of the Christian Research Institute, believes the result has been rampant… Read more…
Is there more to the Christian life than what you’re currently experiencing? Leading Christian apologist Hank Hanegraaff has dedicated his life to defending truth, because truth matters. However, his life and ministry were radically transformed by this three-word phrase: life matters more. In essence, Truth Matters, Life Matters Mor… Read more…
America’s Bible Answer Man contributes a treatise on the importance of absolute truth in a time of turmoil, doubt, and ambiguity. But after his own life-altering bout with cancer, longtime popular theologian and radio personality Hank Hanegraaff also affirms that theological truth is not the goal but rather a roadmap on the path to the ultimate truth o… Read more…
¿Es el islam una religión pacífica y tolerante? Hanegraaff presenta el Islam dentro de su contexto histórico actual, y enseña sobre los importantes aspectos de la fe y la forma en que esta afecta al mundo.En medio de todos los debates acerca del islam y su creciente presencia en el mundo, hay algo que con frecuencia se pasa… Read more…
Is Islam a peaceful and tolerant religion?For all the debate over Islam and its growing presence in the world, one thing is often overlooked: Islam is not a religion in the sanitized Western sense. It is, in contrast, an all-encompassing sociopolitical legal matrix that has bred a worldview antagonistic to anything but itself. While there may be millions of … Read more…
Is Islam a peaceful and tolerant religion? How did it get started? World events are making it more timely, important, and necessary for every Christian to understand how the world’s fastest-growing religion will affect them and how to stand firm in the truth of Christ.Renowned “Bible Answer Man” Hank Hanegraaff provides an in-depth look at … Read more…
The foundation of Christian faith, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, is defended in detail in this powerful work from author Hank Hanegraaff's bestseller Resurrection. Factual evidences are examined, from the fatal torment and empty tomb to Christ's appearances and transformation. Believers will find this chronicle of immense help in… Read more…
Are near-death experiences reliable?New York Times best-sellers on near-death experiences depict:• A 3-year-old who meets Jesus and his rainbow-colored horse• A neurosurgeon encountering Om and the Orb on the wing of a butterfly• A real estate broker descending to earth’s center to discover hell is 300 degrees and zero humidityDo such… Read more…