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Hooked: The Pitfalls of Media, Technology and Social Networking

Hooked: The Pitfalls of Media, Technology and Social Networking

by Gregory L. Jantz

The New AddictionWhat you start out controlling can end up controlling you. From Twitter to iPhones, from Facebook to tablets, we have an endless supply of media and gadgets to hook our interest, snag our wallets, and occupy our time. Think back over the last five years. How much of your time was devoted to online activities? How much of your real life … Read more…

Zip It

Zip It

by Karen Ehman

Zip It empowers readers to put into action the advice and commands of Scripture concerning the tongue. The New York Times bestselling book Keep It Shut covered many topics, including anger, truth-telling, people-pleasing, our digital tongues online, and gossip. Because there are more than 3,500 verses in the Bible that relate to our words and our silence, Ke… Read more…

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IVP New Testament Commentary Series - Matthew

IVP New Testament Commentary Series - Matthew

by Craig Keener

Widely read among the early church for its focus on the teachings of Jesus, the Gospel of Matthew is uniquely suited as a guide for discipleship. Craig Keener expertly presents this first-century work as pertinent to modern believers as well by explaining Jesus’ teachings on how to live at any time. Introductory materials describe the co… Read more…

IVP New Testament Commentary Series - Romans

IVP New Testament Commentary Series - Romans

by Grant R. Osborne

Not many books of the Bible have so impacted the movement of church history like Paul’s epistle to the Romans. Think of Augustine’s heart-rending conversion in the fourth century, or Martin Luther’s monumental rediscovery of justification by faith in the 16th. Think of John Wesley’s conversion and how it influenced the church to re… Read more…

IVP New Testament Commentary Series - Philippians

IVP New Testament Commentary Series - Philippians

by Gordon D. Fee

Nothing hinders a church’s witness—and its day-to-day existence—like conflict from within. Paul, in his letter to the church in Philippi, responded to a church body whose personal battles were worsened by outside hostility and adversity. Paul thus chose to reinforce friendship and morality in his letter, along with their “partners… Read more…

IVP Collection - Prayer, the Bible and Time Management

IVP Collection - Prayer, the Bible and Time Management

by Douglas Connelly, Charles E. Hummel, John R. W. Stott and John White

How Can I Pray When I’m Sick? What should you do when serious illness strikes? What steps can you take to pursue healing? How can you approach God in prayer when you are sick? Douglas Connelly has gleaned from the biblical record five steps that every Christian should take during illness. These ste… Read more…

IVP New Testament Commentary Series - Acts

IVP New Testament Commentary Series - Acts

by William J. Larkin, Jr.

Following the ascension of Jesus, the strife-torn, ethnically diverse backwater of the Roman Empire known as Palestine was a hostile environment for the gospel. Despite that, the gospel flourished -- from Jerusalem to Judea, Samaria, and the rest of the known world. In Acts, the sequel to his Gospel, Luke describes how the Holy Spirit tran… Read more…

IVP New Testament Commentary Series - Ephesians

IVP New Testament Commentary Series - Ephesians

by Walter L. Liefeld

For readers who both yearn to know God more deeply and desire to know their purpose before God, Ephesians offers an overarching picture of God’s intention for His church, with Jesus Christ at the center. Paul starts out with a beautiful doxology and then exhorts the church to prove its vocal praise with action. Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus rema… Read more…

IVP New Testament Commentary Series - Colossians & Philemon

IVP New Testament Commentary Series - Colossians & Philemon

by Robert W. Wall

Paul’s letter to the Colossians, who were absorbed with legalism and intellectual conflicts, emphasizes the essential need for belief in Christ and the calling of all Christians to demonstrate their faith in right relationship with others. Paul’s solution to a purely individual and intellectualized faith will ease believer’s hearts and minds even today… Read more…

NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible

NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible

by John H. Walton and Craig S. Keener

The Bible’s message of God’s love and forgiveness is eternal and enduring, but the life experiences of the people who first received the Word are much different than our lives today. No one needs to explain to us what smartphones and social media are, but a first-century Christian would have no knowledge or frame of reference for them. In the same way, w… Read more…

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